Examples of In-Orbit Insurance in a sentence
Inmarsat has an agreed limit of liability in relation to breach of Cisco’s End User Licence Agreement and breach of confidentiality.Launch and In-Orbit Insurance Contract for the Three Inmarsat-5 SatellitesInmarsat Launch Company Limited has placed launch and in-orbit insurance for the three Inmarsat-5 satellites through Willis, its US insurance brokers (operating through Willis Group, Willis of Maryland, Inc.
Historic Use/CharacterCompatible and appropriate building size is an important element in the general character of Crozet which creates an overall continuity of streetscape derived from similar massing, scale and height.
With respect to the aforesaid procedures that were performed, the auditors found that the respective amounts of revenue, Satellite Services (TT&C system), In-Orbit Insurance and Depreciation were in agreement with the information provided by Telesat including underlying contracts and invoices.
In-Orbit Insurance The Company was required, pursuant to its Credit Facility, to obtain insurance covering the launch and first 12 months of operation of its upgraded constellation.
In-Orbit Insurance protects against operational riskthroughout the design life of the satellite with annual policies that can extend to twelve years, of which seven years is the typical insurance coverage period.