Examples of Incorporation by reference in a sentence
Where inclusion of the complete text of a proposed rule in the Notice of Intended Action is impracticable, the department shall include in the notice a statement fully describing the specific subject matter of the omitted portion of the text of the proposed rule, the specific issues to be addressed by that omitted text of the proposed rule, and the range of possible choices being considered by the department for the resolution of each of those issues.6.4(2) Incorporation by reference.
Small changes made to agree with ORC 119.03.1501:13-1-14 Incorporation by reference.
Incorporation by reference of Proposer’s standard terms and conditions, and the transmittal of such terms and conditions in a manner other than as part of the “Deviations and Exceptions” list, shall not be deemed in compliance with this paragraph and shall be of no effect.
Where inclusion of the complete text of a proposed rule in the Notice of Intended Action is impracticable, the division will include in the notice a statement fully describing the specific subject matter of the omitted portion of the text of the proposed rule, the specific issues to be addressed by that omitted text of the proposed rule, and the range of possible choices being considered by the division for the resolution of each of those issues.1.34(2) Incorporation by reference.
This pro- gram consists of the following ele- ments, as submitted to EPA in the State’s program application:(a) Incorporation by reference.