Independent Contractor Status The Sub-Adviser shall for all purposes hereof be deemed to be an independent contractor and shall, unless otherwise provided or authorized, have no authority to act for or represent the Trust or the Adviser in any way or otherwise be deemed an agent of the Fund or the Adviser.
Independent Contractor Relationship Both parties hereto, in the performance of this Contract, shall act in an individual capacity and not as agents, employees, partners, joint ventures or associates of one another. The employees or agents of one party shall not be deemed or construed to be the employees or agents of the other party for any purposes whatsoever.
Independent Contractor The Contractor and its employees, agents, representatives, and subcontractors are independent contractors and not employees or agents of the State of Florida and are not entitled to State of Florida benefits. The Department and Customer will not be bound by any acts or conduct of the Contractor or its employees, agents, representatives, or subcontractors. The Contractor agrees to include this provision in all its subcontracts under the Contract.