Examples of Independent researcher in a sentence
Independent social policy expert, Lisbon, Portugal.2. Independent researcher, Lisbon, Portugal.The topic has received little research and policy attention so far, which may be partly explained by the fragmented nature of the sector itself and by the very recent emergence of homelessness on the Portuguese political agenda.
ENVIRONMENT AND EXTRACTIVISMCoordinator: Alexandra Bechtum, Independent researcher Co-coordinator: Julieta Godfrid, Universidad de Playa Ancha 06.03 La Naturaleza como sujeto de derechos en América Latina: antecedentes, alcances y proyección06.
Assistants may be identified as above, but here the research assistant can also act as community liaison, even in the researcher’s absence.4. Independent researcher (maximal involvement) – Community members help design or refine data collection instruments/protocols, and collect data independently.
Susie Weller, University of Southampton, UK.Facebook timelines: Young people’s growing up narratives onlineSian Lincoln and Brady Robards, Independent researcher and Monash University, Australia.
Coordinator: Carolina Alves Vestena, Institute for Peace and Development, University of Duisburg- Essen, GermanyCo-coordinator: Alexandra Bechtum, Independent researcher 06.02 Large-Scale Mining, Social Conflicts and Corporate Influence in Mining Areas06.
The data collection was carried out between June and October 2017.In Luxembourg, the CMPF partnered with Raphael Kies (University of Luxembourg, PI) and Celine Schall (Independent researcher/ University of Luxembourg) who conducted the data collection and annotated the variables in the questionnaire and interviewed relevant experts.
This translation suggested that the crimes by Jack the Ripper would be discussed in the Icelandic text of the novel, which Dalby believed to be an abridged translation of1 Independent researcher, Germany/Philippines, hanscorneelderoos@gmail.com.
Önver Cetrez1 Eduardo Chemin21 Associate Professor, Faculty of Theology, Uppsala University, Sweden2 PhD, Independent researcher In this paper, we present the results of two separate yet contextually linked research projects both of which aimed at better understanding how displaced Syrians cope with the trauma of being forced to emigrate and how they build resilience.
Author Meets Critics Author Meets Critic 2:00 to 3:15 pmHilton 2nd Floor: Marlborough ACritics:Michael Waller, NATO Defence Strategic Communications JournalJack Cashill, Independent writerNouri Akbari, Independent researcher Author:Amir Fakhravar, Iranian National CongressModerator:Bijan Khalili, Ketab Corp.
Annex D – Bangor University REF Data Collection Statements Annex E – Equality Impact Assessment (EIA)Annex A – Independent researcher template.