Examples of Indigenous groups in a sentence
Examines the culture of the contemporary Maya, one of the largest Indigenous groups of the Americas, as well as the archaeology of pre-Columbian Maya civilization.
We (I) would also like to respect the longstanding relationships of the local Indigenous groups, the Haudenosaunee, Lanape, and Anishinaabek of this land and place in Southwestern Ontario.
Sufficient information will be included to predict environmental effects and address concerns identified by the public and Indigenous groups.
Highlight activities that involve periods of increased environmental disturbance or the release of materials into the environment.The EIS will include a summary of the changes that have been made to the project since originally proposed, including the benefits of these changes to the environment, Indigenous groups, and the public.The EIS will include a schedule including time of year, frequency, and duration for all project activities.
Include the perspectives of potentially impacted Indigenous groups.This information and assessment will be informed from engagement with Indigenous groups described in Part 2, Section 5 of these guidelines.