Examples of Individual Conflict of Interest in a sentence
When there is a divergence between an individual's private interests and his or her professional obligations to the University, such that an independent observer might reasonably question whether the individual's professional actions or decisions are determined by considerations of personal gain, financial or otherwise, there is an Individual Conflict of Interest.
When there is a divergence between an individual's private interests and his or her professional obligations to the University, such that an independent observer might reasonably question whether the individual's professional actions or decisions are determined by considerations of personal gain, financial or otherwise, an Individual Conflict of Interest arises.
Any investigator who has a conflict of interest with this study (patent ownership, royalties, or financial gain greater than the minimum allowable by their institution, etc.) must refer to the Regents Policies on Individual Conflict of Interest Policy or Institutional Conflict of Interest Policy.
Neither may a member participate in the initial or continuing review if the member has a significant financial interest, as defined in UPHDM Policy on Individual Conflict of Interest in Research.
Individual Conflict of Interest PoliciesCovered individuals at the University of Louisville must comply with Board of Trustees Policy: Individual Conflict of Interest and all applicable federal and state laws and contractual terms related to conflict of interest.
Individual Conflict of Interest statements must be obtained from persons responsible for procurement of goods and services.
The Individual Conflict of Interest Committee shall investigate any potential violation of this Policy, including any potential failure to comply with an approved conflict of interest management plan.
Subrecipient does not have an active and/or enforced conflict of interest policy and agrees to abide by RIT’s Policy C04.0 Individual Conflict of Interest and Commitment Policy.
Any decision of the Individual Conflict of Interest Committee concerning the existence of a conflict of interest or the appropriateness of a plan to manage, reduce, or eliminate a conflict may be appealed within thirty (30) calendar days to a panel that includes the Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs, the Senior Vice President for Health Sciences, and the Vice President for Research.
Landlord shall complete as soon as conditions practically permit all items and work excepted above and Tenant shall not use the Premises in such manner as to increase the cost of completion.