Individual notice means the delivery of a document pursuant to Section 4040.
Individual notice means the notice that the Settlement has been preliminarily approved, in substantially the same form and with substantially the same content as Exhibit āCā hereto, to be sent to Class Members by first-class mail.
Individual notice means the delivery of a document pursuant to Section 6514.
Examples of Individual notice in a sentence
Individual notice of layoff shall be made by personal communication from HR and/or their supervisor and by priority mail to the employee's address maintained in HR.
More Definitions of Individual notice
Individual notice means the notice, as approved by the Court, described in Section IV and in the Preliminary Approval Order, that Class Counsel will cause the Claims Administrator to disseminate to putative Class Members informing them of the Settlement contemplated by this Settlement Agreement, which notice the Settling Parties shall ask the Court to approve substantially in the form set out as Exhibit D.
Individual notice means written notice mailed by first-class mail to those persons who have requested notice as provided in this chapter and to each officially recognized citizen involvement organization.
Individual notice means the delivery of a document pursuant to
Individual notice means the giving of notice by individual notice to a Member pursuant to the requirements of the Davis-Stirling Act and as described in the Bylaws.
Individual notice means a Notice of the preliminary approval of this Agreement and the Settlement which will be mailed to potential Settlement Class Members as provided in Section VII.
Individual notice means the notice described in Section III.A_ below substantially in the form of Exhibit A-1 hereto, as approved by the Court, that Lead Counsel or the Claims Administrator will disseminate to potential Class Members informing them of the settlement contemplated by this Settlement Agreement.
Individual notice means the notice of the preliminarily approved Settlement in substantially the same form and content as Exhibit C attached hereto, to be sent to Settlement Class Members.