Industrial occupancy definition

Industrial occupancy means the occupancy or use of a building or structure or any portion thereof of a building or structure for assembling, fabricating, finishing, manufacturing, packaging, or processing operations, including among others:
Industrial occupancy means occupancy for assembling, fabricating, manufacturing, processing, repairing or storing of goods or materials or for producing, converting, processing or storing of energy, waste or natural resources; (“établissement industriel”)
Industrial occupancy means the occupancy or use of a building structure or any portion thereof for assembling, fabricating, finishing, manufacturing, packaging, or processing operations, except for occupancies of high hazard, including among others:

Examples of Industrial occupancy in a sentence

  • Industrial occupancy buildings constructed between July 13, 1998, and January 11, 2017, must meet the applicable regulatory requirements in this chapter in effect at that time.

  • Indeed, as recently as 2014 and 2015, the County lawfully issued Sterigenics valid building permits for the Facility under its Industrial occupancy to construct preconditioning rooms, an aeration room and two additional, 30-pallet EO sterilization chambers at the Facility.

  • Under the County’s adopted Building Code, a “High Hazard” type of Industrial occupancy exists if as little as 15 lbs.

  • The Fire Marshal’s office documented its knowledge that the Facility was a “High Hazard” subclassification of an Industrial occupancy in 2015 and 2016 and certified that the Facility “to the best of the Fire Inspector’s knowledge, complies with the State Minimum Fire Safety Standards and Cobb County Codes as adopted and amended by the State of Georgia and Cobb County, Georgia.” See Exhibit 20 and Exhibit 12 (p.

  • After each construction project in 2014 and 2015, the County Fire Marshal’s office lawfully issued “Fire Safety Code Release[s]” for the Facility under its Industrial occupancy classification, which certified that the Facility “complies with the State Minimum Fire Safety Standards and Cobb County Codes as adopted and amended by the State of Georgia and Cobb County, Georgia.” Exhibit 11 (p.

  • In fact, the County Fire Marshal’s office had previously documented its knowledge of the Facility’s “High Hazard” subclassification of an Industrial occupancy in 2015 and 2016 and certified that the Facility was in compliance with the County’s fire safety standards and codes.

  • Group F – Industrial occupancy means the occupancy or use of a building or part thereof for the assembling, fabricating, manufacturing, processing, repairing or storing of goods and materials.

  • Industrial occupancy, as used in this chapter, is that portion of the premises that is not open to the public, where access by authorized persons is controlled and which is used to manufac- ture, process or store goods such as chemicals, food, ice, meat or petroleum.

  • Building 9203 - The majority of the building is considered a General Purpose Industrial occupancy by NFPA 101.

  • Formally, it requires the application of the concept of “fitness- for-purpose”.

More Definitions of Industrial occupancy

Industrial occupancy means the occupancy or use of a building or structure or any portion thereof for assembling, fabricating, finishing, manufacturing, packaging, or processing operations, including among others:
Industrial occupancy means the occupancy or use of a building or structure or any portion thereof
Industrial occupancy means an occupancy which exists for the purpose of producing goods.
Industrial occupancy means the occupancy or use of a building, or part thereof, for the assembling, fabricating, manufacturing, processing, repairing or storing of goods and materials.

Related to Industrial occupancy

  • Transient occupancy means occupancy in transient lodging that has all of the following

  • Certificate of Occupancy means a certificate of occupancy, governmental sign-off or other document, permit or approval (whether conditional, unconditional, temporary or permanent) which must be obtained by Landlord from the appropriate governmental authority as a condition to the lawful initial occupancy by Tenant of the Expansion Space that is the subject of the Work.

  • Owner-occupied means property that is the principal

  • Child-occupied facility means a building or portion of a building constructed prior to 1978, visited regularly by the same child, age six years or younger on at least two different days within any week (Sunday through Saturday period), provided that each day’s visit lasts at least three hours and the combined weekly visit lasts at least six hours, and the combined annual visits last at least 60 hours. Child-occupied facilities may include, but are not limited to, day-care centers, preschools and kindergarten classrooms.

  • industrial premises means any place or premises (not being a private dwelling house), including the precincts thereof, in which or in any part of which any industry, trade, business, occupation or manufacturing is being ordinarily carried on with or without the aid of power and includes a godown attached thereto;

  • Occupancy means the use or intended use of a building or part thereof for the shelter or support of persons, animals or property.

  • Industrial building means a building used for or in connection with,

  • existing industrial building means a building used for or in connection with,

  • mixed-use building means a building or structure containing a residential and non- residential use other than a home occupation;

  • Own Occupation means your occupation that you were performing when your Disability or Partial Disability began. For the purposes of determining Disability under this plan, Liberty will consider your occupation as it is normally performed in the national economy.

  • residential premises means a house, building, structure, shelter, or mobile home, or portion thereof, used as a dwelling, home, residence, or living place by 1 or more human beings. “Residential premises” includes an apartment unit, a boardinghouse, a rooming house, a mobile home, a mobile home space, and a single or multiple family dwelling, but does not include a hotel, a motel, motor home, or other tourist accommodation, when used as a temporary accommodation for guests or tourists, or premises used as the principal place of residence of the owner and rented occasionally during temporary absences including vacation or sabbatical leave.

  • Industrial Activity means activities subject to NPDES Industrial Permits as defined in 40 CFR, Section 122.26 (b)(14).

  • Home occupation means an occupation permitted in a dwelling unit and which:

  • Building means any structure used or intended for supporting or sheltering any use or occupancy.

  • Expansion Space means any space in the Building which, at any time during the Lease Term, is occupied by a Person other than Landlord under a written lease with Landlord, and the term “Tenant’s Expansion Space” means Expansion Space which Tenant has elected to lease as provided in this paragraph. Landlord agrees to notify Tenant promptly after Landlord learns that any Expansion Space is or will become available. Subject to the prior rights of other tenants to whom Landlord has granted substantially similar rights, Tenant has the option to lease any Expansion Space which Landlord notifies Tenant is or will become available. If Tenant gives Landlord notice of its exercise of this option within thirty (30) days after notification from Landlord of the availability of the Expansion Space and if no Event of Default exists when Tenant’s notice is given, this Lease will be deemed to be amended to include Tenant’s Expansion Space as part of the Premises for the remainder of the Lease Term upon all of the same terms contained in this Lease except that (i) the Rentable Area of the Premises will be amended to include Tenant’s Expansion Space; (ii) Tenant’s Share will be increased to include the rentable area of Tenant’s Expansion Space; (iii) the Term Commencement Date with respect to Tenant’s Expansion Space will be the earlier of sixty (60) days after the date on which Tenant’s Expansion Space becomes vacant and ready for occupancy (provided that date is at least sixty (60) days after Tenant exercises its option to lease the Expansion Space), or the date on which the Expansion Space is first occupied by Tenant; (iv) if Tenant’s Expansion Space contains a rentable area of 10,000 square feet or more, and if there are less than three (3) Lease Years remaining in the Lease Term, the Lease Term will be extended to include three (3) full years from the Term Commencement Date with respect to Tenant’s Expansion Space; and (v) subject to adjustment during each Fixed Rental Period as provided in Exhibit E, Basic Rent for each year of the remaining Lease Term (as it may be extended) will be the greater of (a) the Basic Rent last paid by the Person most recently occupying Tenant’s Expansion Space or (b) Market Rent determined as provided in the Rent Rider attached as Exhibit E. If Tenant exercises this option, Tenant’s Expansion Space will be leased to Tenant in its “as is” condition and Tenant will, at its expense and in compliance with the provisions of Section 7.06, design and construct all Improvements desired by Tenant for its use and occupancy. Landlord and Tenant agree to execute such amendments to this Lease and other instruments as either of them considers necessary or desirable to reflect Tenant’s exercise of this option.

  • Subleased Premises means all that portion of the Leased Premises referred to as airport lot as outlined on the site diagram attached as Schedule "A" to this Sublease; and