Examples of Industry Document in a sentence
The Supplier shall use all reasonable endeavours to ensure that documentation sent by it to any Customer in accordance with the requirements of this Framework Agreement or of any Law or Industry Document is, where practicable, Approved and shall, where the Authority reasonably directs, bear the branding of the Authority.
The Supplier shall not be liable to the Customer for any interruption, reduction or impairment of the Supply to any Supply Point if it is caused by an act of the Supplier, or by the exercise of demand control by the Distribution Network Operator or the Transmission System Operator, in each case to ensure compliance with the Applicable Law (including Act and the Regulations), the Supplier's Licence or any other Industry Document.
The Council is currently preparing a new Local Plan to replace the adopted Local Plan made up of the Core Strategy (adopted March 2016), Development Management Policies Document (DMPD) (adopted March 2016), Site Specific Allocations Document (SSAD) (adopted March 2016)1 and Local Plan Employment and Industry Document (LPEID) (adopted December 2018).
The Supplier shall, in accordance with the Framework Agreement calculate the amount: for Supply to Unmetered Supply Point(s), on the basis of the Supply deemed under the applicable Industry Document to be supplied to such Unmetered Supply Point(s); and Billed against Industry applied profile based on the EAC as varied from time to time; or subject to Clause 46.6, for Supply to all other Supply Points, on the basis of the half-hourly consumption data recorded at each Meter at each Supply Point.
The PSMG identified impacts on the BSC and a Core Industry Document (i.e. the Grid Code).
Comprehensive Industry Document on Vertical Shaft Kiln Based Mini Cement Plants.
It is intended that this document be used as a basis for the Impact Assessment by Parties, BSC Agents, BSCCo, Core Industry Document Owners and the Transmission Company.
The rationale will refer to any analysis or impact assessment achieved within the timetable by ELEXON, the Transmission Company, BSC Agents, Core Industry Document owners etc.
No response has been received from the Core Industry Document Owners.
A következő futamon induló versenyző a „négykezes” párja által elért pozícióból rajtol a saját futamán.// That driver must take part in the first race, who has completed the qualifying session.