core industry documents definition
core industry documents means those documents which:
core industry documents means those documents which: (a) are (or are to be) established or required to be entered into pursuant to or in accordance with a licence granted under the Order; or (b) are in the Authority’s opinion central industry documents associated with the authorised activities of the Licensee or authorised electricity operators and which have been designated as such by the Authority.“SEM and Directive Arrangements”means:(a) any modifications made (or which the Licensee knows are to be made) to theLicence, or to the licences of any authorised electricity operator, pursuant (in each case) to the SEM Order or the Electricity (Northern Ireland) Regulations 2007; (b) the conditions of the Northern Ireland Market Operator Licence and the Transmission System Operator Licence;
core industry documents means those documents which (a) are established or required to be entered into pursuant to or in accordance with a licence granted under the Order; or (b) are in the Authority’s opinion central industry documents associated with the authorised activities of the Licensee or authorised electricity operators and which have been designated as such by the Authority.“Pre-SEM Arrangements”means: (a) the Supply Competition Code;(b) the Interim Settlement Code and Interim Settlement Agreements; (c) the renewable output factor arrangements; (d) the small renewable spill arrangements; (e) the top-up and standby arrangements (if any); (f) the arrangements for payment of the bulk supply tariff; (f) the arrangements for wheeling; and (g) any other core industry document as the Authority may direct for the purposes of this paragraph.“Responsible”means, in respect of: (a) the Supply Competition Code, the Power Procurement Business (or such other person as the Authority may direct following consultation with the Power Procurement Business and such other person); (b) the Interim Settlement Code and the Interim Settlement Agreements, the Power Procurement Business (or such other person as the Authority may direct following consultation with the Power Procurement Business and such other person);(c) the renewable output factor arrangements, the Power Procurement Business (or such other person as the Authority may direct following consultation with the PowerProcurement Business and such other person); (d) the small renewable spill arrangements, the Power Procurement Business (or such other person as the Authority may direct following consultation with the Power Procurement Business and such other person); (e) the top-up and standby arrangements, the Transmission Owner (or such other person as the Authority may direct following consultation with the Transmission Owner and such other person); and
More Definitions of core industry documents
core industry documents means those documents which (a) are established or required to be entered into pursuant to or in accordance with a licence granted under the Order; or (b) are in the Authority’s opinion central industry documents associated with the authorised activities of the Licensee or authorised electricity operators and which have beendesignated as such by the Authority.
core industry documents means those documents which have been designated by the Secretary of State as such.
core industry documents means those documents which: (a) are referred to in, or are (or are to be) established or required to be entered into pursuant to, a licence granted under the Act; or (b) in the opinion of the Commission, are central industry documents associated with the licensed activities of the Licensee or electricity undertakings and which have been designated as such by the Commission;"electricity undertaking"shall, in the period prior to SEM Go-Live, have the meaning set out in Condition 1 of Section B and shall, from SEM Go-Live, have has the meaning set out in Condition 1 of Section C;"Island of Ireland"means the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland;"Market Operator Licensee"means EirGrid plc in its capacity as market operator licensed pursuant to Section 14(1)(j) of the Act or any other person which may, from time to time, hold a licence pursuant to Section 14(1)(j) of the Act;"Northern Ireland authorised electricity operator"has the meaning given to the expression "authorised electricity operator" in the licence granted under Article 10(1)(b) of the Electricity (Northern Ireland) Order 1992 to SONI Limited or a licence subsequently granted under Article 10(1)(b) of the Electricity (Northern Ireland) Order 1992;"pre-SEM arrangements"means the arrangements relating to the system of trading in electricity and settling electricity imbalances established by the Electricity Regulation Act 1999 (Trading Arrangements in Electricity) Regulations 2000 (S.I. 49 of 2000);"run-off"means, in relation to any arrangements, the bringing to an end of those arrangements, which shall include the determination and settlement (including by way of reconciliation) of electricity and payments in connection with periods up to and including the point at which such arrangements are brought to anend;
core industry documents means those documents which: (a) are referred to in, or are (or are to be) established or required to be entered into pursuant to, a licence granted under the Act; or (b) in the opinion of the Commission, are central industry documents associated with the licensed activities of the Licensee or electricity undertakings and which have been designated as such by theCommission. Condition C Transition Steps (Specific)
core industry documents means those documents relating to the revised
core industry documents means those documents relating to the revised SEM arrangements which may from time to time be designated, by direction of the Authority, as such for the purposes of this Condition;
core industry documents means those documents relating to the revised SEM arrangements which may from time to time be designated, by direction of the Authority, as such for the purposes of this Condition;“regulatory documents”means those codes, agreements and other documents which the Licensee is required to prepare, be party to or have in effect (or with which the Licensee is required to comply) under or by virtue of this Licence or the Order,including without prejudice to the generality, the Market Operator Agreement; andCondition 1. Interpretation and Construction Construction