Examples of Informational Filing in a sentence
The party filing the Formal Challenge shall serve the individual listed as the contact person on LSPG-NY’s Informational Filing required under Section 3 of these Protocols.
The party filing the Formal Challenge shall serve the individual listed as the contact person on the NEET New York’s Informational Filing required under Section VI of these protocols.
Any changes or adjustments to the True-Up Adjustment or projected net revenue requirement resulting from the Information Exchange and Informal Challenge processes that are agreed to by NEET New York will be reported in the Informational Filing required pursuant to Section VI of these protocols.
The Informational Filing must also describe any corrections or adjustments made during that period, and must describe all aspects of the formula rate or its inputs that are the subject of an ongoing dispute under the Informal or Formal Challenge Procedures.
A Formal Challenge shall be filed in the same docket as NEET New York’s Informational Filing discussed in Section VI of these protocols.
Within five (5) days of such Informational Filing, NEET New York shall provide notice of the Informational Filing to the Service List and shall cause the docket number assigned to NEET New York’s Informational Filing to be posted at a publicly accessible location on the ISO website.
If March 15 falls on a weekend or a holiday recognized by FERC, the deadline for submitting the Informational Filing shall be extended to the next business day.
Any challenges to the implementation of the NEET New York formula rate must be made through the Challenge Procedures described in Section IV of these protocols or in a separate complaint proceeding, and not in response to the Informational Filing.
The Informational Filing must also describe any corrections or adjustments made during that period, and must describe all aspects of the formula rate or its inputs that are the subject of an ongoing dispute under the Informal or Formal Challenge procedures.
In these subsections, when a time frame ends on a Saturday, Sunday or holiday, the time frame shall be extended to the next scheduled work day.