Examples of Initial Provisioning in a sentence
Requirements for Initial Provisioning purposes or exceptional quantities will be separately discussed and delivery dates agreed in writing between the Seller and the Customer.
Initial Provisioning Of Medications – At the time of initial transfer, and at the time of any return of an offender to or from the facility, the CDCR or CONTRACTOR, depending on who is releasing custody at the time of transfer, shall provide at the time the offender is transferred between the custody of CDCR and CONTRACTOR, a fourteen (14) day supply of any medications prescribed for that offender.
The procedures of Air Transport Association of America (ATA) Specification No. 200 may be used for Initial Provisioning (Chapter II), Order Administration (either Chapter III or Chapter VI), or Invoicing (Chapter IV).
C.7.4.2 Initial and Subsequent Provisioning Conferences: The contractor shall host the Initial Provisioning Conference and subsequent provisioning conferences at the contractors facility.
Initial Provisioning for Quick Engine Change Units (QECU) – these are normally contracted with the initial order and are predictable based on the number of airlines operating the engine/aircraft , the airline “inventory” policy/MRO centres and their risk of “accidental Airline damage.
From Army Regulation 700–18, Logistics; Provisioning of U.S. Army Equipment, Headquarters Department of the Army Washington, DC, 20 September 2009 Initial Provisioning - (DoD) The process of determining the range and quantity of items (i.e., spares and repair parts, special tools, test equipment, and support equipment) required to support and maintain an item for an initial period of service.
DEFSTAN 00-60 Part 22 previously described codification procedures for major projects invoking Aero Space Defence (ASD) Specification 2000M (S2000M) or similar procedures, which required the Prime Contractor responsible for providing Initial Provisioning (IP) data in accordance with DEFSTAN 00-60 Part 21 and was only a pre- cursor to full codification.
Detail project’s Initial Provisioning Lists and supporting data for LogIS, including volumetric information and the process being undertaken to gather this information.
Initial Provisioning (IP) is the process of identifying, listing and presenting the support items and spares4 necessary to provide adequate spares support for an initial in-service period, usually 2 years.
Initial Provisioning: The Bidder must inform the list of materials, parts and components recommended to setup as On Site Stock (OSS) to cover the first three (3) years of operation.