Inspection Component definition
Examples of Inspection Component in a sentence
Part VII.F of the Permit requires a Road and Facility Inspection Component; and Part VII.G of the Permit requires a Traction Abrasive and Deicer Application and Recovery Component of the SWMP.
Table 450.16 - Department Acceptance Inspection of HMA Lots Inspection Component 450.74 Acceptance Sampling & Testing.
Table 450.14 - Department Acceptance Inspection of HMA Patching Inspection Component Items InspectedMinimum Inspection Frequency Point of Inspection Inspection Method MaterialsMixture Type + PG Binder Grade (Correct Type) Table 450.15 - Department Acceptance Inspection of Tack Coat Inspection Component Items InspectedMinimum Inspection Frequency Point of Inspection Inspection Method B.
The Sublot size and minimum frequency of Acceptance inspection for Wheel Path Deviations will be as specified in Table 450.16.2010 Quality Assurance Specifications for Hot Mix Asphalt Pavement Table 450.16 - Department Acceptance Inspection of HMA Lots Inspection Component 2010 Quality Assurance Specifications for Hot Mix Asphalt Pavement 450.74 Acceptance Sampling & Testing.
Table 450.14 - Department Acceptance Inspection of HMA Patching Inspection Component Items InspectedMinimum Inspection Frequency Point of Inspection Inspection Method MaterialsMixture Type + PG Binder Grade (Correct Type) 2010 Quality Assurance Specifications for Hot Mix Asphalt Pavement Table 450.15 - Department Acceptance Inspection of Tack Coat Inspection Component Items InspectedMinimum Inspection Frequency Point of Inspection Inspection Method B.
Directions: Please return to: Duty Manager’s Office Before XXX DATE Measurement of Maintenance Work Environment Factors and Technician Rest Periods Date: No Name Necessary Please check your primary role/position Airframes Avionics Mod line Interiors Machine Shop Q/A Inspection Component Apprentice (Student) Power plant Structure/Bond Other______________(List) Gender Male Female Describe the amount of sleep you obtained last night.
Co-financing source for all these activities is budget of Ministry of Environment and Forestry.
Inspection Component If you choose to implement an Enhanced or Advanced level of RUA, there is often an inspection component.
The Contractor shall identify the specific inspection activities necessary to ensure the quality of the work, including any additional QC inspection attributes not specifically listed in Table 1.Table 1: Minimum QC Inspection of Modular Block, Backfill Material, and Geosynthetic Reinforcement Inspection Component 3.