SUPERVISION REQUIRED. The physician assistant named above (hereinafter referred to as PA) will be supervised in accordance with the written supervisor guidelines required by Section 3502 of the Business and Professions Code and Section 1399.545 of the Physician Assistant Regulations. The written supervisor guidelines are incorporated with the attached document entitled, "Supervising Physician's Responsibility for Supervision of Physician Assistants."
SUPERVISION REQUIRED. The physician assistant (PA) named in the attached Delegation of Services Agreement will be supervised by the supervising physician in accordance with these guidelines, set forth as required by Section 3502 of the Business and Professions Code and Section 1399.545 of the Physician Assistant Regulations, which have been read by the physician whose signature appears below. REPORTING OF PHYSICIAN ASSISTANT SUPERVISION. Each time the physician assistant provides care for a patient and enters his or her name, signature, initials, or computer code on a patient's record, chart or written order, the physician assistant shall also enter the name of his or her supervising physician who is responsible for the patient. When the physician assistant transmits an oral order, he or she shall also state the name of the supervising physician responsible for the patient.
SUPERVISION REQUIRED. OlyCAP will provide for appropriate supervision and monitors for the Shelter.
SUPERVISION REQUIRED. No parent of any child under the age of majority, eighteen (18), shall knowingly permit or consent to the possession or discharge of fireworks by any child under the age of majority within the city limits without adult supervision. No person under the age of majority shall possess or discharge fireworks without the permission or supervision of a parent or guardian. A violation of this section is subject to the penalties set out in section 1- 4-2 of this code. (Ord. 300, 12-14-2004).
SUPERVISION REQUIRED. Positions in this grade are under the supervision of a Trade Supervisor or Mechanical Superintendent, and under the guidance of a Journeyman and/or other qualified employee in an assigned work group, are responsible for learning and developing the skills and abilities of the trade in which they are indentured. Include the performance of related trade tasks under supervised practice and instruction, and attendance and completion of vocational training as scheduled by the Ministry of Labour, and other such specialized training as may be scheduled by the employing Ministry. Grade 12 or formal education consistent with requirements for entry into apprenticeship vocational training or equivalent; completion of apprenticeship vocational training in the respective trade; valid Certificate of Qualification issued by the B.C. Ministry of Labour or the approved equivalent, for the particular trade in which the incumbent is employed; valid B.C. driver's licence for the appropriate class required to carry out related trade functions; ability to read and interpret related technical information and maintain an up-to-date knowledge of the trade.
SUPERVISION REQUIRED. The Provider agrees to maintain supervision through a supervisor as required by licensing or certification requirements. The supervising provider must be an enrolled First Steps provider. The Provider agrees to notify the CFO Provider Enrollment immediately in the event that the Supervisor changes and submit the name of the new supervising provider to the CFO Provider Enrollment within 15 days. Name of Supervisor: (Please Print) Discipline: Mailing Address: City, State, Zip Code: The Provider shall sign the following signature page.


  • Submission Requirements Requirement Deliverable (Report Name) Due Date Submission System

  • Information Required The report must include, at a minimum, the name, category, description, expected outcomes, anticipated CCBF contribution, anticipated start date, and anticipated end date of each active Eligible Project.

  • No Mitigation Required Executive shall not be required to mitigate the amount of any payment provided for under this Agreement by seeking other employment or in any other manner.

  • Construction Requirements (a) All Life and Safety and applicable Building Codes will be strictly enforced (i.e., tempered glass, fire dampers, exit signs, smoke detectors, alarms, etc.). Prior coordination with the Building Manager is required. (b) Electric panel schedules must be brought up to date identifying all new circuits added. (c) All electrical outlets and lighting circuits are to be properly identified. Outlets will be labeled on back side of each cover plate. (d) All electrical and phone closets being used must have panels replaced and doors shut at the end of each day’s work. Any electrical closet that is opened with the panel exposed must have a work person present. (e) All electricians, telephone personnel, etc. will, upon completion of their respective projects, pick up and discard their trash leaving the telephone and electrical rooms clean. If this is not complied with, a clean-up will be conducted by the building janitors and the general contractor will be back-charged for this service. (f) Welding or burning with an open flame will not be done without prior approval of the Building Manager. Fire extinguishers must be on hand at all times. (g) All “anchoring” of walls or supports to the concrete are not to be done during normal working hours (7:30 AM—6:00 PM, Monday through Friday). This work must be scheduled before or after these hours during the week or on the weekend. (h) All core drilling is not to be done during normal working hours (7:30 AM—6:00 PM, Monday through Friday). This work must be scheduled before or after these hours during the week or on the weekend. (i) All HVAC work must be inspected by the Building Engineer. The following procedures will be followed by the general contractor: i) A preliminary inspection of the HVAC work in progress will be scheduled through the Building Office prior to the reinstallation of the ceiling grid. ii) A second inspection of the HVAC operation will also be scheduled through the Building Office and will take place with the attendance of the HVAC contractor’s Air Balance Engineer. This inspection will take place when the suite in question is ready to be air-balanced. [***] = CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION HAS BEEN OMITTED AND FILED SEPARATELY WITH THE SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION. CONFIDENTIAL TREATMENT HAS BEEN REQUESTED WITH RESPECT TO THIS OMITTED INFORMATION. iii) The Building Engineer will inspect the construction on a periodic basis as well. (j) All existing thermostats, ceiling tiles, lighting fixtures and air conditioning grilles shall be saved and turned over to the Building Engineer.

  • Supervision of Contractor Personnel The Contractor must supply all necessary and sufficient supervision over the work that is being performed and will be held solely responsible for the conduct and performance of his employees or agents involved in work under the Agreement.

  • Installation requirements As may be further described and set forth in the Scope of services, all installation, integration, and other potentially public works construction activities which may be contemplated by Contractor, shall be performed in accordance with all applicable, laws, rules, and regulations of the District.

  • Supervision The Recipient shall provide and maintain competent and adequate project management covering the supervision and inspection of the development and construction of the Project and bear the responsibility of ensuring that construction conforms to the approved surveys, plans, profiles, cross sections and specifications.

  • Supervision of Students At least one teacher is to remain with the students after the close of any activity, practice session or game until the last student has left the premises. This rule applies whether the group is at the home school or field or is away.

  • Admission Requirements USERs and Participants are subject to the administrative and technical supervision and control of CONTRACTOR; and will comply with all applicable rules of CONTRACTOR and DOE with regard to admission to and use of the User facility, including safety, operating and health-physics procedures, environment protection, access to information, hours of work, and conduct. Participants shall execute any and all documents required by CONTRACTOR acknowledging and agreeing to comply with such applicable rules of CONTRACTOR. Participants will not be considered employees of CONTRACTOR for any purpose.

  • CFR PART 200 Contract Provisions Explanation Required Federal contract provisions of Federal Regulations for Contracts for contracts with ESC Region 8 and TIPS Members: The following provisions are required to be in place and agreed if the procurement is funded in any part with federal funds. The ESC Region 8 and TIPS Members are the subgrantee or Subrecipient by definition. Most of the provisions are located in 2 CFR PART 200 - Appendix II to Part 200—Contract Provisions for Non-Federal Entity Contracts Under Federal Awards at 2 CFR PART 200. Others are included within 2 CFR part 200 et al. In addition to other provisions required by the Federal agency or non-Federal entity, all contracts made by the non- Federal entity under the Federal award must contain provisions covering the following, as applicable. Contracts for more than the simplified acquisition threshold currently set at $250,000, which is the inflation adjusted amount determined by the Civilian Agency Acquisition Council and the Defense Acquisition Regulations Council (Councils) as authorized by 41 U.S.C. 1908, must address administrative, contractual, or legal remedies in instances where contractors violate or breach contract terms, and provide for such sanctions and penalties as appropriate. Notice: Pursuant to the above, when federal funds are expended by ESC Region 8 and TIPS Members, ESC Region 8 and TIPS Members reserves all rights and privileges under the applicable laws and regulations with respect to this procurement in the event of breach of contract by either party. Does vendor agree? Yes