Institutional child abuse or neglect definition

Institutional child abuse or neglect means situations of known or suspected child abuse or neglect when the institution responsible for the child's welfare is a residential child care facility, a treatment or care center for individuals with intellectual disabilities, a public or private residential educational facility, a maternity home, or any residential facility owned or managed by the state or a political subdivision of the state.
Institutional child abuse or neglect means child abuse or neglect which has occurred to a child in the Department’s custody and/or while placed in a facility, center or home operated, contracted or licensed by the Department.
Institutional child abuse or neglect means situations of known or suspected child abuse or neglect in which the person allegedly perpetrat- ing the child abuse or neglect is an employee of a private school, public or private day care center, residential home, institution, facility, or agency or any other person at such institution responsible for the child’s care as defined in subsection (47).

Examples of Institutional child abuse or neglect in a sentence

  • A Business Entity may apply to become a Distributor by completing, signing, and returning a Business Entity Form, signed by all the Participants, together with a Distributor Agreement, and purchasing a Business Portfolio.

  • This means the performance of a coreset S is evaluated by the normalized cost, defined as cost(P, xS)/cost(P, x∗), where x∗ is the model learned from the original dataset P, and xS is themodel learned from the coreset.

  • These include:• Institutional child abuse or neglect (N.D.C.C. 50-25.1-02(11))• Abandoned infants (N.D.C.C. 50-25.1-15)• Prenatal exposure to controlled substances (N.D.C.C. 50-25.1-16)• Prenatal exposure to alcohol abuse (N.D.C.C. 50-25.1-18)• Child sexual behaviors (50-25.1-05.3.)It is imperative that all CPS assessments contain sufficient factual information to enable a correct determination whether a child has been abused or neglected.

More Definitions of Institutional child abuse or neglect

Institutional child abuse or neglect means the injury, maltreatment, or mistreatment of a child by a person or persons responsible for a child's care in an out-of-home setting, jeopardizing the well-being of a child as defined in 11 Del.C. §468 and 16 Del.C. §902 including but not limited to the physical injury through unjustified force, emotional abuse, torture, criminally negligent treatment, sexual abuse, or exploitation.
Institutional child abuse or neglect means situations of known or suspected child
Institutional child abuse or neglect means as defined in § 901 of Title 10.
Institutional child abuse or neglect occurs means when a person responsible for a child's care in an out-of-home setting jeopardizes the well being of a child abuse or neglect which has occurred to a child in the Department’s custody and/or [while] placed in a facility, center or home operated, contracted or licensed by the Department that results or may result in physical or emotional injury.
Institutional child abuse or neglect means situations of known or suspected child abuse or neglect when the institution responsible for the child's welfare is a public or private school, a residential facility or setting either licensed, certified, or approved by the department, or a residential facility or setting that receives funding from the department. For purposes of this subsection, residential facilities and settings excludes correctional, medical, home- and community-based residential rehabilitation, and educational boarding care settings.
Institutional child abuse or neglect means situations of child abuse or neglect where a foster home, public or private residential home, institution, or agency is responsible for the child’s welfare.
Institutional child abuse or neglect means situations of known or suspected child abuse or neglect when the institution responsible for the child's welfare is a residential