Negligent treatment definition

Negligent treatment means an act or omission which evinces
Negligent treatment means the failure to provide, for reasons other than poverty, adequate food, clothing, shelter, or medical care so as to seriously endanger the physical health of the child.
Negligent treatment means an act or omission which evinces a serious disregard of consequences of such magnitude as to constitute a clear and present danger to the patient's health, welfare, ((and)) or safety.

Examples of Negligent treatment in a sentence

  • Negligent treatment or maltreatment of a child, including but not limited to the failure to provide adequate food, clothing, shelter or medical care that is likely to endanger the health or welfare of the child.

  • Negligent treatment, including the failure to provide adequate food, clothing, shelter, or medical care.

  • Soldiers discharged or separated from the Army are not eligible for the MRP2 program.b. Soldiers in the Active Guard and Reserve (AGR) Program are not eligible for the MRP2 program.c. Pre-existing Medical Conditions.

  • Negligent treatment or maltreatment of a child, including the failure to provide adequate food, medical treatment, supervision, clothing, or shelter.

  • Negligent treatment or maltreatment of a child by a person responsible for providing care.

  • Negligent treatment or maltreatment as set forth in NRS 432B.140, of a child caused or allowed by a person responsible for the welfare of the child under circumstances which indicate that the child’s health or welfare is harmed or threatened with harm.2. A child is not abused or neglected, nor is the health or welfare of the child harmed or threatened for the sole reason that:a.

  • Negligent treatment or maltreatment of a child, including, but not limited to, the failure to provide adequate food, clothing, shelter, or medical care that is likely to endanger the health or welfare of the child.

  • Negligent treatment or maltreatment of a child, including the failure to provide adequate food, medical treatment, supervision, clothing, or shelter.3. CHILD.

  • Negligent treatment, including the failure to provide adequate food, clothing, shelter or medical care.

  • Negligent treatment or maltreatment may include ridicule or intimidation, but does not include poverty or homelessness.

More Definitions of Negligent treatment

Negligent treatment or “Maltreatment” means failure to provide adequate food, clothing, shelter, or medical care, which includes medical neglect, and the deprivation is not due to the lack of financial means of his or her parent, guardian, or other custodian.
Negligent treatment means an act or omission which evinces a serious disregard of consequences of such magnitude as to constitute a clear and present danger to the patient's health, welfare, and safety.26 Emotional/Verbal Abuse may include, but is not limited to: verbal teasing,1 humiliation, belittling, or ridiculing the client; use of profanities and/or obscenities in the client's presence; withholding client's meals; capricious withdrawal of client's2 privileges. "3III. ARGUMENTS OF THE PARTIES43.1 Respondent argues that Appellant failed to comply with the training he received, failed to5fulfill the SCC mission, and engaged in resident abuse when he exchanged inappropriate and6threatening verbal profanities with James. Respondent contends that even if James provoked7Appellant, Appellant's response was inappropriate. Respondent argues that it is never appropriate8to yell at a resident, to point a finger in a resident's face, to use profanity toward a resident, or to9threaten a resident. Respondent contends that Appellant's actions were contrary to agency policies10and training, constituted a neglect of duty and rose to the level of gross misconduct.11 12 3.2 Appellant did not provide a defense to the charges nor did he dispute the appropriateness of13 the disciplinary sanction before the Board.14 15 IV. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW16 4.1 The Personnel Appeals Board has jurisdiction over the parties hereto and the subject matter17 herein. 184.2 In a hearing on appeal from a disciplinary action, Respondent has the burden of supporting19the charges upon which the action was initiated by proving by a preponderance of the credible20evidence that Appellant committed the offenses set forth in the disciplinary letter and that the21sanction was appropriate under the facts and circumstances. WAC 358-30-170; Baker v. Dep’t of22Corrections, PAB No. D82-084 (1983).23 24 4.3 Neglect of duty is established when it is shown that an employee has a duty to his or her

Related to Negligent treatment

  • Inpatient treatment means twenty-four-hour-per-day mental

  • Outpatient treatment means any of the nonresidential

  • Mistreatment means the inappropriate use of medications, isolation, or use of physical or chemical restraints as punishment, for staff convenience, as a substitute for treatment or care, in conflict with a physician's order, or in quantities which inhibit effective care or treatment, which harms or is likely to harm the patient or resident.

  • Medical Treatment means examination and treatment by a Legally Qualified Physician for a condition which first manifested itself, worsened or became acute or had symptoms which would have prompted a reasonable person to seek diagnosis, care or treatment.

  • Medically Necessary Treatment means any treatment, tests, medication, or stay in hospital or part of a stay in hospital which:

  • fraudulent practice means a misrepresentation of facts in order to influence a procurement process or the execution of a contract to the detriment of the Procuring Entity, and includes collusive practices among Bidders (prior to or after bid submission) designed to establish bid prices at artificial, non-competitive levels and to deprive the Procuring Entity of the benefits of free and open competition.

  • fradulent practice means a misrepresentation or omission of facts in order to influence a procurement process or the execution of contract;

  • Dishonest or Fraudulent Act means any dishonest or fraudulent act, including “larceny and embezzlement” as defined in Section 37 of the Investment Company Act of 1940, committed with the conscious manifest intent (1) to cause the Insured to sustain a loss and (2) to obtain financial benefit for the perpetrator or any other person (other than salaries, commissions, fees, bonuses, awards, profit sharing, pensions or other employee benefits). A Dishonest or Fraudulent Act does not mean or include a reckless act, a negligent act, or a grossly negligent act.

  • Thermal treatment means the treatment of hazardous waste in a device which uses elevated temperatures as the primary means to change the chemical, physical, or biological character or composition of the hazardous waste. Examples of thermal treatment processes are incineration, molten salt, pyrolysis, calcination, wet air oxidation, and microwave discharge. (See also “incinerator” and “open burning”.)

  • Corrupt and Fraudulent Practices means either one or any combination of the practices given below;

  • Moral turpitude means conduct that is wrong in itself even if no statute were to prohibit the conduct; and

  • Intimidating, threatening, abusive, or harming conduct means, but is not limited to, conduct that does the following: