Institutional setting definition

Institutional setting means any health care facility whose primary purpose is to provide a physical environment for patients to obtain health care services, except those places where practitioners, as defined by IC 16-42-19-5, who are duly licensed, engage in private practice and pharmacies licensed under IC 25-26-13-17.
Institutional setting means any nursing home, acute hospital, convalescent hospital, rehabilitation center, other in- patient facility by any other name and out- patient clinic which would include private off ice.
Institutional setting means a facility that is licensed and certified by ODHS as a nursing facility, acute hospitals and psychiatric hospitals.

Examples of Institutional setting in a sentence

  • Institutional setting" is any nursing facility (NF), intermediate care facility for the mentally retarded/developmentally disabled (ICF-MR) or hospital.

  • Before engaging CX Institutional to provide asset management services, clients are required to enter into an agreement with CX Institutional setting forth the terms and conditions of the engagement (including termination), describing the scope of the services to be provided, and the fee that is due from the client.

  • Due to the nature of the security needs that are incumbent to an Institutional setting, the contractor’s tools and equipment shall be secured in a closed and locked self-contained vehicle for the duration of their duties.

  • The block takes effect in accordance with the technical and operational requirements of the FOCBS.

  • Institutional setting While budgeting in the education sector is top-down, schools are governed from the bottom-up, through “school councils” comprised of teachers, students, parents, and local government officials.

More Definitions of Institutional setting

Institutional setting means a facility that is licensed and certified by DHS as a nursing facility.
Institutional setting means any nursing home, acute hospital, convalescent hospital,rehabilitation center, other inpatient facility by any other name and outpatient clinic which would include private office.
Institutional setting means a nursing home, as defined in
Institutional setting means a facility that is licensed and certified by ODHS as a nursing facility.
Institutional setting means a facility that is licensed and certified by DHS as a nursing facility, acute hospitals and psychiatric hospitals.
Institutional setting means a hospital as described in Chapter 5160-2 of the Administrative Code, a nursing facility as described in Chapter 5160-3 of the Administrative Code, or an intermediate care facility for individuals with intellectual disabilities as described in Chapter 5123:2-7 of the