Examples of Integrated setting in a sentence
Therefore, DCA’s commitment to providing a full range of housing options requires focusing supportive housing resources to develop supportive housing in an Integrated setting.
Integrated setting means opportunities exist for individuals receiving services in the immediate work setting to have regular contact with non-disabled persons who are not providing support services.
Integrated setting means:• With respect to the provision of VR services, a setting typically found in the community in which applicants or eligible individuals interact with non-disabled individuals other than non-disabled individuals who are providing services to those applicants or eligible individuals.
This would allow seamless transition from one Integrated setting to another – from Bangor Central Integrated Nursery to Bangor Central Integrated Primary.
Integrated setting means a typical community setting that: • Is not designed specifically for people with disabilities; • Hires a diverse workforce through a typical hiring process; and • Pays minimum wage or better.