Examples of Interagency Committee in a sentence
Authority: COMAR The Interagency Committee on School Construction must review a request to transfer school property to the local government and make a recommendation to the Board of Public Works.
The term ‘‘ICODS’’ means the Interagency Committee on Dam Safety established by sec- tion 467e of this title.
Approval of this contract award for funding by the Interagency Committee on Maryland Public School Construction, for the fiscal year(s) involved is required (if applicable).
There is hereby constituted the Interagency Committee on Debarment and Suspension, which shall monitor implementation of this Order.
The obligation of the BOARD on all contracts, including those which envision funding through current and successive fiscal years, shall be contingent upon actual BOARD appropriations, including approval of this contract award for funding by the Interagency Committee on Maryland Public School Construction, for the fiscal year(s) involved.
Any Project recommended by the Interagency Committee must meet the requirements of this QAP, excluding the Scoring Categories section.
As new information is acquired and analyzed, requirements and specifications may be amended by GFNMS and CSLC in collaboration with the Tomales Bay Interagency Committee.
All permanent (on site for six (6) months or longer) structures, constructed or installed (including pumping units), will be painted a flat, non-reflective, earth tone color to match one of the standard environmental colors, as determined by the Rocky Mountain Five State Interagency Committee.
Through the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Interagency Committee on the ACS, the Census Bureau included subject matter experts and key data users from other federal agencies in identifying questions for inclusion in the Content Test.
Establishment of the Interagency Commit- teeThere is established an interagency committee to be known as the Interagency Committee on Women’s Business Enterprise.(Pub.