Examples of Interested Third Party in a sentence
Interested Third Party Contributions ........................................................................2-A-64.
The Interested Third Party which effectively acquires the Shares object of the First Offering will automatically assume all the rights and obligations of the Original Shareholder according to this Agreement, under the terms of Clause 7.5 above.
I n se r t t h e na m e, a dd r ess, i n- cl u di n g ZI P code, an d t elep h o n e nu m - be r of t h e S t a t e a ge n c y o r do n ee r ep- r ese n t a t ive t o be n o t ified of p r ope r t y a v a il a bili t y w h e n t h e p r ope r t y lis t ed i n bloc k 12 is t o be pic k ed u p.
For purposes of exercising the Preemptive Right, the Selling Shareholder shall send a written notice to Stone mentioning (i) the terms of the Third-Party Proposal with a copy of it, (ii) a strong intention from the Selling Shareholder to Transfer the Offered Shares; (iii) the number of Offered Shares; (iv) the name and data of the Interested Third Party.
Key steps included: 1) a literature review;2) research on agency data programs, practices and self assessment needs; and 3) development of a proposed framework.The focus of the literature review covered two areas.