Interim Milestones definition
Examples of Interim Milestones in a sentence
Following are the Major Interim Milestones that must be completed in a timely manner as part of the delivery of services outlined in this RFP.
Upon the determination of the Engineer that an Excusable Delay has occurred, the Engineer shall grant an appropriate extension of time to the Substantial Completion Date, to the Final Completion Date, to Interim Milestones, or to the number of Working Days, as applicable.
PART II.D.6.g.(1)-(2) Table 1Fill in the following table with your Interim Milestones, BMP IDs, and Implementation Dates.
Staff recommends that the GSA governing board consider adding the following text to end of Section (Measureable Objectives and Interim Milestones/Groundwater Quality/Process for Determining Measurable Obectives and Interim Milestones).
By executing this Agreement, the Contractor represents to the District that the Contract Time is reasonable for completion of the Work and the Contractor will fully complete the Work within the Contract Time, including any portions of the Work necessary to maintain the Construction Schedule and achieve Interim Milestones defined in the Special Conditions.
Interim Completion Dates or Interim Milestones: When interim completion dates or interim milestones (associated with Project stages) are included in the Contract.
Completion of the Work and all Interim Milestones shall be achieved within the Contract Time and Interim Milestones specified in the Contract Documents.
Existing monitoring sites and new monitoring sites identified as part of this proposed effort will be considered for classification as representative monitoring sites based on a collaborative process to define management areas, Minimum Thresholds, Measurable Objectives, and Interim Milestones, and additional technical data.
Establish Measurable Objectives and Interim Milestones, if applicable, through a facilitated public process informed by technical data and analysis based on the basin setting, monitoring results, and other information.
Interim Milestones By December 8, 2004, the Council shall provide a report describing the results of the gap analysis of Best Practices aimed at the reliability of Internet data services.