Investigation Costs definition
Examples of Investigation Costs in a sentence
If the amount that has to be paid to dispose of, settle or finalise a Claim exceeds the Policy Limit, then We only pay for the same proportion of the Claim Investigation Costs as the Policy Limit bears to the amount to be paid to dispose of, settle or finalise the Claim.
The Insured must also pay this Excess when We provide Cover for Claim Investigation Costs for this Covered Claim.
The aggregate amount We pay in total for Claim Investigation Costs for or in respect of all Claims Covered by this Policy does not exceed an amount equal to twice the Policy Limit.
There is no Excess for Claim Investigation Costs when We Cover an Insured for this Covered Claim if the Schedule states ‘Costs exclusive’.
The Insured must also pay this Excess when We provide Cover for the Claim Investigation Costs of this Covered Claim if the Schedule states ‘Costs inclusive’.