Examples of Investment Funds Sourcebook in a sentence
It is easily accessible and provides a fair reflection of the Investment Manager ’s investment universe and a good relative measure to assess performance outcomes.StatusThe Fund operates under the Investment Funds Sourcebook (FUND) where applicable and the Collective Investment Schemes Sourcebook (COLL) of the Financial Conduct Authority.
To the best of its knowledge and belief (having taken all reasonable care to ensure that such is the case) the information contained herein does not contain any untrue or misleading statement or omit any matters required by the Collective Investment Scheme Sourcebook (COLL) or the Investment Funds Sourcebook (FUND) to be included in it.
This Fund is classified in the IA UK All Companies Sector.StatusThe Fund operates under the Investment Funds Sourcebook (FUND) where applicable and the Collective Investment Schemes Sourcebook (COLL) of the Financial Conduct Authority.
The FCA’s Investment Funds Sourcebook (FUND), which implements the AIFM Directive, and the AIFMD level 2 Regulation (AIFMR) contain specific requirements in respect of the annual reports of non-UCITS funds.
This Fund is classified in the IA Europe Excluding UK Sector.StatusThe Fund operates under the Investment Funds Sourcebook (FUND) where applicable and the Collective Investment Schemes Sourcebook (COLL) of the Financial Conduct Authority.
This Fund is classified in the IA Mixed Investment 40%-85% Shares Sector.StatusThe Fund operates under the Investment Funds Sourcebook (FUND) where applicable and the Collective Investment Schemes Sourcebook (COLL) of the Financial Conduct Authority.
The Authorised Corporate Director (“ACD”) of EdenTree Investment Funds for Charities (the “Company”) is responsible for preparing the Annual Report and the financial statements in accordance with the Open-Ended Investment Companies Regulations 2001 (“the OEIC Regulations”), the Financial Conduct Authority’s Collective Investment Schemes Sourcebook (“COLL”), the FCA's Investment Funds Sourcebook ("the FUND") and the Company’s Instrument of Incorporation.
It is the duty of the Trustee to take reasonable care to ensure that the Scheme is managed in accordance with the Sourcebook, the FCA Investment Funds Sourcebook (“FUND”), the Trust’s Trust Deed and Prospectus, in relation to the pricing of, and dealings in, units in the Trust; the application of revenue of the Scheme; and the investment and borrowing powers of the Trust.
Investment Fund Managers Directive (2011/61/EU), as transposed into UK rules and law, principally in the Alternative Investment FundM anagers Regulations 2013 (as amended) and the Investment Funds Sourcebook in the FCA Rules.
This Fund is classified in the IA North America Sector.StatusThe Fund operates under the Investment Funds Sourcebook (FUND) where applicable and the Collective Investment Schemes Sourcebook (COLL) of the Financial Conduct Authority.