Involuntary Displacement definition

Involuntary Displacement means the involuntary acquisition of land resulting indirect or indirect economic and social impacts caused by: Loss of benefits from use of such land; relocation or loss of shelter; loss of assets or access to assets; or loss of income sources or means of livelihood, whether or not the Displaced Persons has moved to another location; or not.
Involuntary Displacement means the involuntary taking of land resulting in direct or indirect economic and social impacts caused by:
Involuntary Displacement means any of the following actions, when they occur without the Displaced Person’s informed consent or power of choice; (a) the taking of land resulting in: (i) relocation or loss of shelter; (ii) lost assets or access to assets; or (iii) loss of income sources or means of livelihood, whether or not the Displaced Person must move to another location; or (b) the involuntary restriction of access to legally designated parks and protected areas resulting in adverse impacts on the livelihoods of the displaced.

Examples of Involuntary Displacement in a sentence

  • The PHA uses the following local preferences: (2 Points) Involuntary Displacement: Families displaced by a natural disaster recognized by the federal government (e.g. flood, earthquake, or fire) will be granted this preference.

  • The wait list will always be open to applicants who meet the definition of Involuntary Displacement.

  • Points will be awarded for Preferences as follows: Involuntary Displacement 2 points Continuously Assisted 2 points Bloomington Resident 1 point For a detailed explanation of the preferences and verification process, see Appendix B.

  • The content of the Plan is consistent with IFC Performance Standard 5 (Land Acquisition and Involuntary Displacement).

  • Who has authority to adjudicate that “compelling andthat is, when the requirements of necessity and proportionality are met”.4 For an interpretation of the last concepts, the “requirements of neces- sity and proportionality”, Kalin refers to the World Bank’s Operational Directive 4.30 on Involuntary Resettlement5 and the OECD’s Guidelines for Aid Agencies on Involuntary Displacement and Resettlement in Development Projects.

More Definitions of Involuntary Displacement

Involuntary Displacement means the involuntary taking of land resulting in direct
Involuntary Displacement means the involuntary acquisition of land resulting in direct or indirect economic and social impacts caused by: Loss of benefits from use of such land; relocation or loss of shelter; loss of assets or access to assets; or loss of income sources or means of livelihood, whether the Displaced Persons has moved to another location or not. ”Involuntary Land Acquisition” is the possession of land by government or other government agencies for compensation, for the purposes of a public WaSSIP AF program against the will of the landowner. The landowner may be left with the right to negotiate the amount of compensation proposed. This includes land or assets for which the owner enjoys uncontested customary rights.
Involuntary Displacement means the involuntary acquisition of land resulting in direct or indirect economic and social impacts caused by: Loss of benefits from use of such land; relocation or loss of shelter; loss of assets or access to assets; or loss of income sources or means of livelihood, whether the Displaced Persons has moved to another location or not. However, under this RAP land acquisition was not triggered as the water pipelines will be laid within existing road reserves.
Involuntary Displacement means the involuntary acquisition of land resulting in direct or indirect economic and social impacts caused by: Loss of benefits from use of such land; relocation
Involuntary Displacement means the involuntary acquisition of land resulting in direct or indirect economic and social impacts caused by: Loss of benefits from use of such land; relocation or loss of shelter; loss of assets
Involuntary Displacement means the involuntary taking of land resulting in direct or indirect economic and social impacts caused by a) loss of benefits from use of such land; b) relocation or loss of shelter; c) loss of assets or access to assets; or d) loss of income sources or means of livelihood, whether the project affected person has moved to another location.
Involuntary Displacement means the involuntary taking of land resulting in direct or indirect