Examples of Involuntary Refunds in a sentence
Carrier is not liable for its refusal to transport any passenger or for its removal of any passenger in accordance with the preceding paragraphs of this rule, but such carrier will, at the request of the passenger, refund in accordance with Rule 90 Refunds - (D) Involuntary Refunds.
Full refunds must be actioned in the norma l way e nsuring the fo llowing O SI re mark is a dded to the booking: OSI INVOL RFND DUE GF CMB ROUTE CLOSURE Standard GF/ Industry procedures (as published i n the Passenger Ai r Tariff General Rules Book, Section 9.3.2. Involuntary Refunds) shall apply.
Full refunds must be actioned in the normal way ensuring the following OSI remark is added to the booking: OSI INVOLUNTARY REFUND DUE GF NBO FLIGHT SUSPENSION Standard GF/Industry procedures (as published in the Passenger Air Tariff General Rules Book, Section 9.3.2. Involuntary Refunds) shall apply.
The cooling-off period provides the safeguard of a period for reflection in which the U18 may rescind a hasty and subsequently regretted decision.
This must not be processed through the GDS system but applied for from the airline with supporting documentation. No administration fee will be applied to ID/AD/Award tickets or on refundable balances. Only the following type of refunds will be processed by SAA Head Office (H/O) refunds: Involuntary Refunds, Group Refunds, Waiver and Favour Authority refunds, Lost Tickets, PTAs, Exchange tickets reflecting a different validating carrier, Expired Tickets, Changes in IATA agent number (due non-activity).