Examples of Project Affected Person in a sentence
Project Affected Person (or Affected Person) is any person who, as a result of the implementation of a project, loses the right to own, use, or otherwise benefit from assets (structures, land (residential, agricultural, or pasture), annual or perennial crops and trees, or any other fixed or moveable asset, either in full or in part, permanently or temporarily.
All payments of Compensation, Resettlement Assistance and Rehabilitation Assistance, as the case may be, shall be made in the presence of the Project Affected Person in question and the local chiefs.
The Committee will comprise of the following members: District Representative (1), Implementing Agency Representative (1), Sector Representative (1 per affected Sector), Cell Representative (1 per affected Cell), Omudugudu Leader (1 per affected village), Customary Leader (1), Project Affected Person Representative (3) including 1 Woman, 1 Elder and 1 Youth Representative.
The SIA Report shall also include the baseline socio-economic characteristics of the Project Affected Families (PAFs) & Project Affected Person (PAPs), the R&R policy provisions & entitlements, outcome of the consultations held with the communities, implementation and monitoring mechanisms.
The Census/Inventory of PAP, household and asset was developed in order to gather and analyse data and information required to identify all categories of impacts, the Project Affected Person (PAP) directly affected by loss of assets caused by the implementation of the sub-project.