Examples of IP Policies in a sentence
The royalty sharing shall be based on the implementing rules and regulations of these IP Policies to be hereinafter adopted, unless there is an agreement to contrary.
The Company has operated their business in compliance with the IP Policies in all material respects.
These IP Policies supersede the previous IP Policies and its subsequent revision dated June 25, 2008 and February 11, 2009 respectively.
If the Invention was made by an Inventor on the premises of both Parties, the premises of neither Party, or the Parties cannot agree on where the Invention was made, the IP Policies of the Party that has provided the greater proportionate share of the salary of the academic staff member named as Inventor for the Invention at the time when the Invention was disclosed shall apply to the Invention.
However, issues of IP protection may have a separate clause in some IP Policies, this clause basically lays out the procedure on how to protect the invention after the disclosure, and also such section may state the rights of inventor and related stakeholders who contributed in the creation of the said IP.
These Revised IP Policies shall take effect immediately upon its approval on July 7, 2010.
The correct intellectual property rules governing stem cell research discoveries are essential for public oversight and control and to keep Proposition 71's promises to the voters.Section 3:How Federal IP Policies Have Failed to Protect the Public InterestFor the past 25 years federal IP policy has fol- lowed the federal Bayh-Dole Act, which gives ownership of any discovery to the research institution where it is made even though tax- payers paid for the research.
The UCIP shall make an annual review of these IP Policies in one of its meetings.
Ted Sabety, Nanotechnology Innovation and the Patent Thicket: Which IP Policies Promote Growth, 15 ALB.
In the event of an unresolvable disagreement as to whose IP Policies apply to a given Inventor, a decision shall be made by the Responsible Officers.