Examples of ISO Metered Entity in a sentence
If the ISO determines that a condition in the approval of the Proposal for Installation has been satisfied, it will give the ISO Metered Entity written confirmation that the condition has been satisfied.
The ISO Metered Entity must establish a testing program to ensure that the CCVT remains within the ISO’s accuracy requirements.
If the ISO Metered Entity gives the ISO such a notice, the ISO may amend or waive any of the conditions on which it granted its approval or it may require the ISO Metered Entity to satisfy other conditions.
The meter service agreement for each ISO Metered Entity and the ISO metering protocols shall set out, in such detail as the ISO may deem necessary, the Meter Data security and validation procedures that the ISO shall apply to the Meter Data made available by each ISO Metered Entity.
As described in Section III, we carefully select 25 types of occupations and classify them into “engineer” and “artist”.
The ISO shall have the authority to impose penalties and sanctions, including but not limited to suspension of trading rights, if an ISO Metered Entity provides fraudulent metering data to the ISO.
Such an ISO Metered Entity will not be required to enter into a SC Meter Service Agreement unless it represents any metered entities other than itself.
Meter Data for ISO Metered Entities shall be made available to the ISO’s revenue meter data acquisition and processing system either directly by the ISO Metered Entity or via a central data server which collects Meter Data for various ISO Metered Entities provided that the central data server does not aggregate or adjust that Meter Data.
On 30 March 2001, regulations were promulgated declaring a number of plants to be weeds or invader plants, and specifying the obligations of “land users” (which includes not only landowners, but also tenants and other rights-holders) to control the spread of the prescribed weeds and invader plants on their property.
The ISO may grant an ISO Metered Entity an exemption from compliance with the metering standards referred to in this Protocol and the ISO Tariff if, in the ISO’s sole discretion, applicable loss correction factors can be applied to existing meters without any materially adverse effect on the accuracy or security of the Meter Data obtained from such meters.