Examples of isolated system in a sentence
The CDM Cost Recovery Adjustment for Newfoundland Power will be calculated based upon the allocated Island Interconnected Recoverable Amount to Newfoundland Power (including the allocated Island Interconnected Hydro Rural Amount) plus the allocated Hydro Rural Isolated System amount to Newfoundland Power.
It is important that going forward, a Change Management and Communication Strategy should be formulated by the Secretariat and approved by the Senior Management and relevant stakeholders for implementation.❖ Project Design & Coordination of Support: The design of the project was elaborate and a positive move for Liberia and supported the country’s medium term development policy, the Agenda for Transformation and the PFM Strategy and Action Plan (20112016).
An Isolated System of Particles Showing External and Internal Forces (Ref.
Chart 13.1: Reported Fires at Isolated System Plants Moreover, the study cited the possibility of others that may have gone unreported.93 A rate of roughly one fire per year, with some producing catastrophic damage, would suggest that revisiting the fire suppression study was overdue.
Statistical Ensembles: (08)Micro canonical Ensemble (Isolated System), Canonical ensembles, simple application of Canonical ensemble, Molecules in Ideal gas, Calculation of mean values in canonical ensemble Reference books1.
P.U. 14(2007), the Board approved Hydro’s revisions to the Rules and Regulations which includes Policies for Automatic Rate Changes (Section 16) so that as Newfoundland Power changes its rates, Hydro will automatically adjust certain rates for the Island Interconnected System, the L’Anse au Loup System, and the Isolated System.
Indicate in the response the dollar value of the annual variance determined by the Isolated System Supply Cost Variance formula in the proposed account definition that is due to each of(i) Diesel Fuel costs; (ii) purchases from Hydro Quebec; and, (iii) other.
Nevertheless, the most significant contribution was from the Isolated System, whose increase in 2019 was 134.4% over the previous year, due to the growth of diesel generation(+72.9%) and the decisive entry of natural gas thermoelectric plants (+4,066.7%).
Short TitleThis Procedure may be cited as the "Pricing Procedure for Inter-connected System (ICS) and Large Isolated System No. 1/2005." Art.
In the sub section 4.6, specifically, will be presented the differences between the alternatives and why the PPP was considered, in this study, the best one for the Isolated System.