Examples of Issuing Date in a sentence
Delete card operation is the same with issuing card.The device can support up to 10 admin cards, 5000 copies of ordinary cards.Note: in the issuing state, swiping deleted card is invalid.Shows the ID, Issuing Date and Type of admin cardDeleteClicking <Delete> would delete the admin card list of the selected ID cards.Delete AllClick <Delete All>, to delete all admin card lists.
Delete card operation is the same with issuing card.The device can support up to 10 admin cards, 1000 copies of ordinary cards.Note: in the issuing state, swiping deleted card is invalid.Shows the ID, Issuing Date and Type of admin cardDeleteClicking <Delete> would delete the admin card list of the selected ID cards.Delete AllClick <Delete All>, to delete all admin card lists.
Unless otherwise stated in the relevant Pricing Supplement, the redemption price per Note shall be equal to 100% of the Issuance Price per Note supplemented by any accrued yet outstanding Coupon as of the date of the voluntary early redemption date (as applicable), provided that in any cases the amount to be repaid under the outstanding Coupon shall be at least equal to a minimum amount equivalent to any accrued Coupon as of one year following the Issuing Date.
There are no uncertainties associated with the verification conclusion.Statement Issuing Date: 14-June-2022<..
Issuing Date: February 13, 2020 Revision Date:Disclaimer: To the best of our knowledge, the information provided in this Safety Data Sheet is correct and accurate and our belief at the date of its publication.