Item of business definition
Examples of Item of business in a sentence
The Chair agreed to consider an Item of business – Proposed purchase of former WH Shaw Pallet Works, Huddersfield Road, Diggle as a matter of urgency in accordance with S.100 B (4) of the Local Government Act 1972; Urgent Cabinet approval was required as the approach detailed within the report would helpprovide an agreement to support the strict timescales being imposed by the Department for Education.
Proxy Voting by the Chairman For Item 2, where the Chairman is appointed as a Shareholder’s proxy and that Shareholder has not specified the way in which the Chairman is to vote on Item 2, the Shareholder is directing the Chairman to vote in accordance with the Chairman’s voting intentions for this Item of business, even though Item 2 is connected directly or indirectly with the remuneration of Key Management Personnel.
All questions will be collated at the beginning of this Item of business and dealt with in turn by the Chair.
The Chair introduced the Late Item of business - “Proposed Congenital Heart Disease Standards and Service Specifications” - which had been included on the agenda in order to highlight and widen the consultation which was due to close on 8 December 2014 In presenting the document, Moira Dumma (NHS England), highlighted the differences between the approach taken to the consultation process in 2012 and in 2014.
You may get in touch with us directly via phone, email or using our contact form on the website for a free and no obligation 1-2-1 consultation.We will then arrange a consultation via phone, skype or face-to-face at the time convenient for you over a tea or coffee to discuss your property investment strategy, details around ROI, yield, timescales, etc.If you join our mailing list, you will receive bi-weekly emails with property deals and updates on property market.
The Chairman advised that she had agreed to an additional Item of business, the Nomination of a Representative to Bedford and River Ivel Internal Drainage Board, which was as a result of a recommendation made at the Annual Council meeting.
Item of business # 3:APPROVEDMotion to vote for new Diocesan Delegation candidates by verbal acclimation.
THURSDAY 3 FEBRUARY 2005 13.00 – 14.00 hfs.- M&fis H&II 1 (fifst fIoof) Appfopfi&te iffig&tion technoIogy, food secufity &nd ecosystems (FAO-W3W) Sm&II Sc&Ie Iffig&tion Pfojects with Ped&I Pumps in Indi&, T&nz&ni&, M&d&g&sc&f &nd Bufkin& F&so.
This would be considered as the first Item of business, and once completed, Council would consider the other Items in agenda order.
Item of business will be added to the next regular Council meeting.