Examples of Joint activity in a sentence
Methodologic Challenges in Disseminating Evidence-Based Interventions to Promote Physical Activity.
Joint activity by family members in thesespaces can forge stronger links among them.
While discussing barriers and challenges with participants, many needs were brought up that correlated with the themes previously discussed.
Joint activity between community-based groups, Indigenous groups, regional natural resource management bodies, government agencies and commercial firms produce benefits for all parties.
From 2019-2021, she was coordinator of the Estonian team that participated in the EQAVET peer review project, Joint activity with NRPs Finland, Croatia, Slovenia, and Estonia: Promoting the use of Transnational Peer Reviews by updating the criteria.
Joint activity with other councils in Camborne Pool Illogan Redruth Community Network Area taking place.Highways and Road Safety - Several residents had reported difficulties with inconsiderate parking and excess speeding in recent weeks.
After the successful repayment of the first loan, a second loan of Rs. 10,000 was taken out in December 1990.
Joint activity with cognitive robots is a form of social interaction in which humans and robots coordinate their actions in time and space, making changes in their environment [6].
This research work is part of the project FULLCOMP (FULLy analysis, design, manufacturing, and health monitoring of COMPosite structures), funded by the European Union Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation program under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 642121.
Joint activity plans, budget and arrangements shall be prepared and presented to the MWEA Board of Directors in a timely fashion that allows for due consideration of the request for joint effort, prior to a decision and the actual date of the event.