KEBS definition
KEBS wherever appearing means the Kenya Bureau of Standards or its successor(s) and assign(s) where the context so admits.
KEBS wherever appearing means the Kenya Bureau of Standards or its
KEBS wherever appearing means the Kenya Bureau of Standards or its successor(s) and
Examples of KEBS in a sentence
All works or parts thereof shall be in accordance with the latest edition of either Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS) Specification or British Standard (B.S) Specifications and British Codes of Practices (C.P) as published by British Standard Institution.
For instance, if pipes are to be provided to KEBS Standard, then all the pipes in the works are to be to KEBS Standard.
Charging below or above the approved fees constitutes a breach of contract and may lead to its termination at the discretion of KEBS.
The response should be comprehensive to demonstrate understanding of KEBS requirements.
The dimensions of the top portion of the unified valve shall be on the proportion required in Kenya by the Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS).
More Definitions of KEBS
KEBS means Kenya Bureau of Standards
KEBS means the KEBS purchasing the Lease Items and Related Services, as
KEBS means the Kenya Bureau of Standards; “KenGen” or “Kenya Electricity Generating Company Limited,” means a publicly listed, limited liability company incorporated and operating under the Companies Act, Cap 486, responsible for electricity generation or any legal successor thereto;
KEBS means the Kenya Bureau of Standards;
KEBS means the Kenya Bureau of Standards or similar body in charge of standards in the country;
KEBS means the Kenya Bureau of Standards a government agency established under the Standards Act (Cap 496 of the Laws of Kenya) (or any other government authority replacing the same as prescribed by law).