Examples of LBD in a sentence
Through LBD, Best Start Community Partnerships developed a set of strategies and activities to be implemented by a Contractor selected through this RFP.
In early 2014, all 14 Best Start Community Partnerships began a results-focused decision- making and Partnership capacity building process, referred to as “Learning by Doing” (LBD).
Seller shall provide Agilent written advance notice (hereafter “Product Discontinuance Notice” or “PDN”) of any product discontinuances as soon as possible but no later than six (6) months before the Last Buy Date (LBD).
We use data from five sources: Compustat, Census LBD, Census LEHD, VentureXpert, and the NBER Patent Data Project.
For more information about the LBD process see Appendix C: Learning by Doing (LBD) Stages Overview.