Examples of KPI 3 in a sentence
KPI 3 measurement: Quality will be assessed against the requirements of this Agreement, the Service Guarantee and the Code of Practice through various measures including feedback from Employers and Participants.
KPI 3: Quality: aim is to maximise the delivery of high quality, individualised Program Services.
KPI 3: The operating model and human and financial resources support relevance and agility.
Case Presentations: (KPI 3, 2.F.2) Complete two (2) case presentations, following the COUN 667 case presentation guidelines, during the semester in group supervision, one by mid-term and one at the end of the semester.
KPI 3 - Number of young people who report being abstinent at treatment exit 30% (subject to ongoing review) Patient / Family Questionnaire Monthly activity report Monthly Outcome Young people reduce their drug and alcohol use following engagement with the service.
Each major technical innovation that has occurred over the last half century has spurred greater interest and increased public/private investment.
KPI 3: Completeness of delivery – target is 100%.Defined as percentage of Purchase Orders issued to a given LTA holder for which actual delivery in full adheres to contractual terms.
The tables are colour mapped from green (good) to red (bad) and sorted based on KPI 3.
Bakersfield College will have several projects close this year and will elevated KPI #3 substantially higher than 2020-21 FY.
Overall, the time taken to re-let voids has improved as the year has progressed (see KPI 3 below), and this has impacted favourably on this KPI 2.