Examples of KPI 1 in a sentence
KPI 1: Efficiency: aim is to minimise the average time taken by Providers to achieve Employment Outcomes for their Participants (no direct performance measure).
SECTION 3.2: ENVIRONMENT KPA 3.2 - Environment targets3.2.1 - Environment KPI #1: Horizontal en route flight efficiency (KEA)a) Environment national performance targetsb) Detailed justifications in case of inconsistency between national targets and national reference valuesc) Main measures put in place to achieve the environment performance targets Annexes of relevance to this sectionANNEX P.
The Above Target STI paid to the Co-CEOs principally results from the assessed level of performance against the objectives relating to the Restructure (KPI 1 below) and Treasury and Financial Management (KPI 2 below) where the performance of the Co-CEOs was assessed as Above Target.
KPI 1: Rate of losses of IFR to IFR separation per 100,000 movements over a Performance Cycle.
VERIFICATION BY THE NSA OF THE COMPLIANCE OF THE COST BASE SECTION 3.1: SAFETY KPA 3.1 - Safety targets3.1.1 - Safety KPI #1: Level of Effectiveness of Safety Management achieved by ANSPsa) Safety national performance targetsb) Detailed justifications in case of inconsistency between local and Union-wide safety targetsc) Main measures put in place to achieve the safety performance targets Annexes of relevance to this sectionANNEX O.