Labor policy committee definition

Labor policy committee or "policy committee" means the King County council.
Labor policy committee or "policy committee" means the King County council committee designated by the council by motion as the committee responsible for establishing labor policy.

Related to Labor policy committee

  • Grievance Committee means the Grievance Committee of the Bar.

  • CSR Policy means the present Corporate Social Responsibility Policy of the Company, which covers the activities to be undertaken by the Company as specified in Schedule VII to the Act and the CSR Expenditure thereon.

  • Disciplinary Committee means any person or committee of persons, or any subcommittee thereof, that is author- ized by a self-regulatory organization to issue disciplinary charges, to con- duct disciplinary proceedings, to settle disciplinary charges, to impose dis- ciplinary sanctions or to hear appeals thereof.

  • Benefits Committee means the Employee Benefits Committee of Textron.

  • Plan Committee means a committee of two or more directors appointed by the Board to administer the Plan.

  • Ethics Committee means an independent body established in a Member State in accordance with the law of that Member State and empowered to give opinions for the purposes of this Regulation, taking into account the views of laypersons, in particular patients or patients' organisations;

  • Discipline Committee means the Discipline Committee of the College, and includes a panel of the Discipline Committee;

  • Apprenticeship committee means those persons designated by the sponsor to act for it in the administration of the program. A committee may be “joint,” i.e., composed of an equal number of representatives of the employer(s) and of the employees represented by a bona fide collective bargaining agent(s), and is established to conduct, operate, or administer an apprenticeship program and enter into apprenticeship agreements with apprentices. A committee may be “unilateral” or “nonjoint” and shall mean a program sponsor in which a bona fide collective bargaining agent is not a participant.

  • Medical Executive Committee or “MEC” means the Executive Committee of the Medical Staff.

  • State committee means a committee formed to support or oppose candidates for state office or state ballot measures.

  • Executive commissioner means the executive

  • CSR Committee means the Corporate Social Responsibility Committee of the Board referred to in section 135 of the Act.

  • Appeal Committee means the appeal committee established by the Council in terms of section 12(3)(a);

  • Medical Board means the board of physicians as provided by this chapter.

  • Party committee means any committee organized by or authorized by the

  • Credentials Committee means the committee established by the Medical Advisory Committee to review applications for appointment and reappointment to the Professional Staff and to make recommendations to the Medical Advisory Committee and if no such committee is established it shall mean the Medical Advisory Committee;

  • Supervisory Committee means an oversight committee elected at a general meeting;

  • Procurement Policy Board or “PPB” shall mean the board established pursuant to Charter § 311 whose function is to establish comprehensive and consistent procurement policies and rules which have broad application throughout the City.

  • Audit Committee or Committee means Committee of Board of Directors of the Company constituted under provisions of Listing agreement and Companies Act, 2013.

  • Health Board means a Health Board established under section 2 of the National Health Service (Scotland) Act 1978;

  • Retirement Committee means a committee consisting of the Company’s Vice President of Human Resources, the Director of HR Operations and the Compensation & Benefits Manager.

  • OH&S Committee is referred to hereafter, read “body nominated to implement policy on site”.

  • Policy Grievance shall be signed by a xxxxxxx or a Union representative or, in the case of an Employer's policy grievance, by the Employer or its representative.

  • Retirement board or "board" means the retirement system's governing board provided for in 2-15-1010.

  • Administrative Committee means the committee in charge of Plan administration, as described in Article VII.

  • Transition Committee shall have the meaning set forth in Section 2.14.