Examples of Land Committee in a sentence
If the original occupant returns before the temporary use rights holder’s use rights have expired (maximum 20 years), then KAD, in consultation with Central Land Committee and with consensus from customary authorities and the original occupants, will find a suitable alternative land plot for the original occupants until the use rights holders’ use rights have expired for the original occupants land plot.
This may be set up through Local Authorities, including a Resettlement or Land Committee and through community leaders.
This consensual process will be facilitated by the KAD and the Central Land Committee at the township level, in consultation with local customary authority and the returning IDPs and refugees being restituted.
The Indian Rights Association, the Interior Tribes, and the Nisga’a Land Committee sent various statements of facts, claims, declarations and petitions to then Prime Minster Laurier and the Department of Indian Affairs, demanding treaties, enlarged reserves, and compensation for lost lands.Prime Minister Laurier sought a legal opinion on the validity of Aboriginal title and land claims in BC.
The fair market value in place of the item, as is for continued use, less the proceeds from its sale (to be eligible for payment, the claimant must make a good faith effort to sell the personal property, unless the agency determines that such effort is not necessary.
The sale by a prescribed chargee of any community land occupied by a person shall conform to the law relating to community land save that such a sale shall not require any approval from a Community Land Committee.
The FAB replaces the former Land Committee which had a similar mandate.
If the transaction involves the purchase, donation or sale of land or a conservation easement, the public conservation benefit of the transaction is clear and significant, and the project has been evaluated by the Land Committee using the adopted project selection criteria.
The Department of Rural Development and Land Reform (DRDLR) launched the District Land Committee (DLC) for Frances Baard District Municipality (FBDM) area of jurisdiction on the 26th of February 2015.
These people have propriety interest in the land and can acquire a certificate of customary ownership or a freehold certificate of title by requesting one through the Parish Land Committee (which will then be granted by the District Land Board).