Examples of Land Plot in a sentence
The Land Plot is owned by the Lessor on the basis of [], which is confirmed by an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate issued by the Office of the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography for Saint Petersburg on [specify] (registration record: [specify]).
The resettlement site with a total area of 1,445.6 m2 is located in Land Plot B06 for relocating 15 households, of whom one household is decorating the house and the other 14 households have moved into their new houses.
As of the Execution Date: (i) OJSC owns the OJSC Premises, Metal Fencing and Other Property and OJSC possesses and uses the Land Plot under the Land Lease; (ii) the Owners of Third Party Premises own the Third Party Premises and an interest in the right of lease / use in respect of the Land Plot.
The Seller will transfer, and the Purchaser will accept the Facilities and the Land Plot on the same terms, within the same scope and in the same condition as OJSC, and the Owners of Third Party Premises shall transfer and the Seller shall accept the relevant Facilities and the Land Plot from OJSC and the Owners of Third Party Premises in accordance with the OJSC SPA and Third Party SPAs under the Initial Transfer Deeds.
The relationship between job satisfaction and health: a meta- analysis.