Use Type definition
Examples of Use Type in a sentence
Use Type II when the pavement temperature is above 60°F or per the manufacturer’s recommendations whichever is more stringent.
Use Type I when the pavement temperature is between 50°F and 60°F or per the manufacturer’s recommendations whichever is more stringent.
In respect of any Type 1 Restriction of Use, Type 2 Restriction of Use or Type 3 Restriction of Use, where a Restriction of Use starts before and/or ends after a White Period, the entire length of the Restriction of Use shall be taken into account when counting the cumulative total hours.
Applicable to Type 1 through 4 grouts.B. Applicable to Type 5 grout.C. ASTM C1107.D. Use Type 4 grout with proportions by volume of 1 part cement and 3 parts fly ash.
Use Type IL blended cement that meets AASHTO M 240, except that the limestone content is limited to between 5 and 12% by weight and the constituents shall be interground.
Use Type I epoxy material (fast dry) for epoxy pavement markings except when otherwise specified in the contract documents.
The following matrix describes by building type and use when the services of a licensed professional engineer are required or may not be required in connection with new building construction: BUILDINGS NEW CONSTRUCTION Building Use Type Description Engineer RequiredEngineer May Not BeRequiredAgricultural UseFacilities for private use only and individually owned and operated facilities including grain elevators and feed mills 1.5(6) Guidelines for alterations to existing buildings.
Use Type A (low intensity flashing), Type B (high intensity flashing) or Type C (steady beam) warning lights that conform to the ATM.
Area of LR within RODP LRCode Name Land Use Type* Impacting LR Approx.
The Use Matrix indicates the approval process for each Use Type in standard Zoning Districts, PDDs, TDDs, URAO, and IRO.