Land division definition

Land division means a division under s. 236.12, 236.34,
Land division means any division of a lot, parcel or tract by the owner thereof or the owner’s agent, for the purpose of transfer of ownership or building development which creates one or more parcels or building sites of 20 acres or less.
Land division means the process of dividing land to create parcels or lots.

Examples of Land division in a sentence

  • Land division regulations serve an important function by ensuring the orderly growth and development of unplatted and undeveloped land.

  • Land division shall be in accordance with Section 4 of this Plan.

  • Land division layouts shall be planned in proper relation to existing and proposed land divisions and streets, topography, surface water, vegetative cover and other natural features.

  • As a result, other BCA families will be notified when a case of head lice is discovered so that they may step up their screening efforts at home.

  • Land division or subdivision for two-family dwellings may occur so that two (2) units are placed on one lot in accordance with the requirements of the district in which the building is located, or so that the units are placed on pairs of lots with the lot line through the common wall between the individual dwelling units.

More Definitions of Land division

Land division means any division of a parcel of land where the act of division created a lot, parcel, building site of less than thirty-five (35) contiguous acres.
Land division means any division of a parcel of land by the owner or the owner’s agent, for the purpose of transfer of own-
Land division means the division of land by partition, subdivision, or replat.
Land division means the creation of any new lot or lots for the purpose of sale, lease or transfer of ownership, whether such lot or lots is created by subdivision, short subdivision, large lot division, or binding site plan. (Ord. 1676 § 23, 2008).
Land division means the division of a lot, outlot, parcel, or tract of land by the owner of the land, or the owner’s agent, for the purpose of sale or for development when the act of division creates two or more parcels or building sites, inclusive of the original remnant parcel, by a division or by successive divisions of any part of the original property within a period of 5 years, including any land division by or for a Conservation Subdivision, a Cluster Development, a Subdivision, a Minor Land division, a Condominium, Condominium Plat, Replat, and Certified Survey Map, and any other land division. Any residual parcel resulting from any division of land shall be included in the land division if said parcel is less than the minimum size allowed by the parcel’s zoning classification in the Zoning Ordinance.
Land division means the separation of a single lot or parcel into 2 or more lots or parcels where at least one of the lots or parcels being created is ½ of a ¼ ¼ or smaller.
Land division means the division of a lot, parcel, tract or interest in land by the owner or owner's agent for the purpose of transfer of ownership or building development or which creates the need for a public dedication or reservation of land or for public facilities or improvements. For purposes of compliance with this chapter other than survey requirements, land division includes condominium plats.