Examples of Large quantity generator in a sentence
Small quantity generator (SQG) Small quantity generator ≥2200 lbs.Large quantity generator (LQG) EPA Generator Large quantity generator Permitted HHW Programs HHW facilities in Kansas are permitted as solid waste processing facilities under K.S.A. 65-3407 and K.A.R. 28-29-6 through 12.
The commission adopts amendments to §335.1(105) to add the definition of "Large quantity generator" and to adopt federal revisions associated with the Hazardous Waste Generator Improvements Rule promulgated in the Federal Register on November 28, 2016 (81 FR 85732).
This amendment adds the definition of "Large quantity generator" consistent with the new definition of "Large quantity generator" in 40 CFR§260.10.
LARGE QUANTITY GENERATOR PRE-TRANSPORT REQUIREMENTS Large quantity generator pre-transport requirements comprise seven distinct categories of informational requirements: labeling, personnel training, contingency planning and emergency procedures, tank systems, drip pads, containment buildings, and requests for extensions of the accumulation period.
Large quantity generator (LQG)Generate 2,200 or more pounds in any month.