Examples of Last Practicable Date in a sentence
As at the Last Practicable Date, no part of the proceeds of the issue of the Shares, whether directly or indirectly, will be used in a manner that results in the acquisition by the Company of securities of any other juristic person, with the direct or indirect result that the other juristic person will become a subsidiary of the Company.
As at the Last Practicable Date, the Company has not identified any business undertaking which it will purchase directly or indirectly from the proceeds of the issue of the Shares or from any part of such proceeds, or from any other funds.
Each of the advisors whose names appear on the front cover of this Circular have consented and have not, prior to the Last Practicable Date, withdrawn their written consents to the inclusion of their names and, where applicable, reports in the form and context in which they appear in this Circular.
On the basis of the Revised Exchange Ratio and based on the Closing Price of R14.33 per Sibanye- Stillwater Share on the Last Practicable Date and the exchange rate on that date being R18.511:£1, the terms of the Transaction represent a value of approximately 77.4 pence per Lonmin Share and£226 million for the entire issued and to be issued ordinary share capital of Lonmin.
On the basis of the Revised Exchange Ratio and based on the 30 trading day volume weighted average price of R15.39 of a Sibanye-Stillwater Share on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange for the period ended 23 April 2019 (being the Last Practicable Date) and applying the exchange rate on the Last Practicable Date being R18.511:£1, the Transaction values each Lonmin Share at 83.1 pence.