Examples of Latin America in a sentence
If You are located in North America or Latin America, this License Agreement will be governed by the laws of the State of California, United States of America.
The Africa (AFD) Response Division and the Asia, Latin America, Europe, and Middle East (ALE) Response Division are responsible for the provision of emergency humanitarian assistance through a grants mechanism to non-governmental organizations (NGOs), international organizations including United Nations (UN) agencies and to other partners to ensure the implementation and delivery of this assistance.
The ALE Response Division is divided into four teams: East Asia and the Pacific (EAP), Europe, the Middle East, and Central Asia (EMCA), Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC), and South Asia.
The Company offers tower-related services in the largest Spanish speaking countries in Latin America: Argentina, Colombia and Mexico.
Other chapters on Central and Eastern Europe and Latin America are helpful and in- formative.