Examples of LDC in a sentence
Trees proposed to be maintained on site must comply with LDC requirements.
Customer hereby designates Catalyst Power as agent to; (a) arrange and administer contracts and service agreements between Customer and Catalyst Power and those entities including the Independent System Operator – New England (“ISO-NE”) engaged in the generation, transmission and delivery of Customer electricity supplies; and (b) nominate and schedule with the appropriate entities including the LDC for the delivery of electricity to the Delivery Point and the Customer’s end-use premises.
Catalyst Power is not affiliated with and does not represent the LDC.
Waivers of material provisions of either this Agreement or the Town’s LDC will be valid and binding against the Town only if approved by a vote of the Town Council.
Catalyst Power as agent for the Customer will schedule the delivery of adequate supplies of electricity that meet the Customer’s requirements as established by the LDC and in response to information provided by the LDC.