Examples of Lease Delivery in a sentence
Each of the conditions precedent to each Utilization set forth in the Ex-Im Bank Approval with respect to such Credit, if any, and each of the conditions precedent to each Utilization set forth in the Lease Agreement shall have been fully satisfied or waived by both the Person bound by such condition and the Person benefiting from such condition on the relevant Lease Delivery Date.
Their focus, originally confined to medical workforce, has expanded over the years to include nursing, allied health and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Workers.RWAs are supported by Commonwealth and State funded programs that have provided resources, accompanied in some cases by legislative processes, to recruit and retain health workforce outside of metropolitan centres.The environment in which RWAs operate is not static.
If the relevant Ex-Im Bank Approval indicates that the Exposure Fee will be paid “up front” and financed, payment of the Exposure Fee in the entire amount indicated in such Ex-Im Bank Approval shall be no later than the first Lease Delivery Date.
Copies of the invoice(s) for the Goods and/or Services or Local Cost Goods and Services to be financed under the requested Lease Delivery, bearing or accompanied by evidence that the Exporter(s), Ancillary Services Provider(s) or Local Cost Provider(s) thereof, as the case may be, has been paid.
A Lease Agreement shall have been fully executed by the parties thereto and be in full force and effect on the relevant Lease Delivery Date.
Such other documents, certificates, instruments or information relating to the Agreement, the Lease Agreement or the Lease Supplement(s) or the relevant Transaction as Ex-Im Bank may have reasonably requested shall have been delivered in form and substance satisfactory to Ex-Im Bank on the relevant Lease Delivery Date.
A deferred commencement condition has been recommended to ensure that the Voluntary Planning Agreement is executed, registered on title and a bank guarantee submitted prior to the consent being activated.
Amount of Exposure Fee related to this request: U.S. $ Date of Lease Delivery related to this request: Date Exposure Fee was paid to Ex-Im Bank under this request: (Y/N) If applicable, Commitment Fees have been paid.
The Ex-Im Bank Approval with respect to such Credit must continue to be in full force and effect on the relevant Lease Delivery Date.
The Lessor must have received such other documents, certificates, instruments or information, if any, as required by Ex-Im Bank in the Ex-Im Bank Approval with respect to such Credit (“Other Documents”) on the relevant Lease Delivery Date.