Examples of Legal Mortgage in a sentence
The loan is secured by:• Legal mortgage over the Company’s immovable assets.• Pledge over the Owner’s shares.• Pledge over the project accounts.• Assignment / charge over all of the Company’s rights, titles and interest in and to the project documents, the insurances and reinsurance’s, the consents and any other material agreements to which the Company is a party and other material property, asset and revenue of the Company.
The collaterals are obtained in the form of Bank‟s own term deposit receipts, Legal mortgage over immovable properties, Hypothecation charge over movable assets of the company, pledge of shares etc.As per regulatory requirements maximum exposure limits on single borrower/ group as per detailed under.
Legal mortgage of land in favor of security trustee has been executed for 877.18 acres of land.
Qualitative disclosures The collaterals are obtained in the form of Bank’s own term deposit receipts, Legal mortgage over immovable properties, Hypothecation charge over movable assets of the company, pledge of shares etc.As per regulatory requirements maximum exposure limits on single borrower/ group as per detailed under.
ROLL CALL Present: Members Bates, Bolton, Ingram, Kuhns, Nelms, White, President Cooper Reed (7) Absent: None Superintendent Ronan was present.