Licensed Research Business definition
Examples of Licensed Research Business in a sentence
A Retail Marijuana Store shall not Transfer any Retail Marijuana, Retail Marijuana Concentrate or Retail Marijuana Product to a Medical Research Facility, a Pesticide Manufacturer or a Licensed Research Business.
A Medical Marijuana Store, Retail Marijuana Store, or Accelerator Store shall not Transfer any Medical Marijuana, Medical Marijuana Concentrate, Medical Marijuana Product, Retail Marijuana, Retail Marijuana Concentrate, or Retail Marijuana Product to a Pesticide Manufacturer or a Licensed Research Business.
A Licensed Research Business that has obtained an R&D Co-Location Permit pursuant to Rule M 1901(C) may share a single Licensed Premises and operate at the same location as another Medical Marijuana Business or Retail Marijuana Establishment to the extent permitted by the R&D Co-Location Permit and otherwise in compliance with all applicable rules.
A Licensed Research Business that has obtained an R&D Co-Location permit pursuant to Rule M 1901(C) may share a single Licensed Premises and operate at the same location as another Medical Marijuana Business or Retail Marijuana Establishment to the extent permitted by the R&D Co-Location Permit and otherwise in compliance with all applicable rules.
A Licensed Research Business must have the ability to reconcile its inventory records generated from the Inventory Tracking System with the associated transaction history and sale receipts or other Transfer documentation.
Unless otherwise provided by the State Licensing AuthorityOtherwise, a Licensed Research Business shall at the conclusion of its research destroy all remaining Medical Marijuana, Medical Marijuana Concentrate, and Medical Marijuana-Infused Product subject to the Licensed Research Business’s approved Research Project.
A Licensed Research Business shall not conduct any research involving human subjects unless all aspects of its proposed Research Project have been reviewed and approved by an Institutional Review Board that is registered and in good standing with Office for Human Research Protections, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
Therefore, a Licensed Research Business may produce Medical Marijuana Concentrate only as allowed by, and in conformance with, Rule M 506(A)-(B).
A Licensed Research Business shall not engage in any research activities until the State Licensing Authority or its delegate approves both(1) its business license application, pursuant to Rule M 201, and (2) one or more Research Project(s), pursuant to Rule M 1904.
A Licensed Research Business may share a Licensed Premises only with a commonly owned Medical Marijuana Testing Facility.