Light industrial definition

Light industrial means buildings used solely to house industrial use that are not more than one story in height and not exceeding 10,000 square feet in gross floor area, or are not more than two stories in height and not exceeding 6,000 square feet in gross floor area.
Light industrial means buildings not more than one story in height and not exceeding 10,000 square feet in gross floor area that involve fabrication or manufacturing of noncombustible materials which, during finishing, packing, or processing, are not classified as hazardous use.
Light industrial means u ses characterized by a mix of manufacturing (small items), service, and warehouse facilities in the same building with a wide variation in the proportion of each type of use. Examples of light industrial uses include materials testing laboratories, assembly of data processing equipment, contractor offices, cabinetry work, machine shops, management services, photocopying services, software publishing/production, engineering/architectural services, and electronic/computer component production.

Examples of Light industrial in a sentence

  • Light industrial properties are generally one-story properties located in or near major cities.

  • Light industrial uses may also be present in appropriate locations with careful attention paid to building form, site design, and operational performance standards to ensure compatibility with other uses in and adjacent to the D EC area.

  • Light industrial uses which are compatible with the general character of the area are also permitted.

  • Light industrial real estate, particularly when packaged in large portfolios, continues to be in very high demand and attracts premium valuations.

  • Light industrial uses are allowed but limited in size to avoid adverse effects different in kind or amount than commercial uses and to ensure that they do not dominate the character of the commercial area.

More Definitions of Light industrial

Light industrial means any service, manufacturing, wholesaling, warehouse, or other light industrial use, as may be approved by the Development Permit Board and be compatible with the office, retail or other commercial uses as well as the Residential use of the Downtown District.
Light industrial means an industrial use that does not include uses which may be obnoxious by reason or emission of odors, dust, noise, smoke or vibrations.
Light industrial means the indoor manufacturing, predominantly from previously prepared materials, of finished products or parts, including processing, fabrication, assembly, treatment, and packaging of such products, and incidental storage, sales and distribution of such products, which does not produce noise, odors, vibration, hazardous waste materials, or particulate that will disturb or endanger neighboring properties.
Light industrial means a category of uses that is capable of operation in such a manner as to control the external ef- fects of manufacturing processes such as smoke, noise, vibration, soot, and odor. It includes limited intensity levels of manufacturing and assembly activities primarily from previously prepared or refined materials, or from raw materials that do not need refining, warehousing with limited direct public access, research and development, packaging, and associated offices and similar uses as determined by the Director of Community Development within an enclosed building. This use category includes, but is not limited to, food processing, contractors, call centers, textiles, wood products, printing, pharmaceuticals, machinery manufacturing, research and development, laundry plants, laboratories, and regional distribution, but excludes basic industrial processing from raw materials, and vehicle/equipment services.
Light industrial means buildings used solely to house industrial use that are not more than one story in height and not exceeding 10,000 square feet in gross floor area, or are not more than two stories in height and not exceeding 6,000 square feet in gross floor area that involve fabrication or manufacturing of noncombustible materials which, during finishing, packing, or processing, are not classified as hazardous use.
Light industrial means a development used for manufacturing and warehousing where any actual or potential nuisance factor generated by the development is contained within an enclosed building but excludes bulk oil and chemical storage and chemical processing.
Light industrial means an industrial use without using heavy machinery, such as machine loaders, foundry machinery, metal, presses, etc., and without chemically processing materials. Light manufacturing activities include, but are not limited to, the following activities: