LIHTC definition
Examples of LIHTC in a sentence
Increasing the fee to increase the LIHTC eligible basis is not a valid justification for a waiver.
This fee shall be submitted with the LIHTC Annual Report for each year of the compliance/extended-use period.
Also note whether the affordability is guaranteed through funding restrictions (i.e. LIHTC, 4d) or is unsubsidized, if housing choice vouchers are/will be accepted, and if there is a fair housing marketing plan required or in place.
The compliance overview held at any LIHTC Application workshop is not sufficient to meet Compliance Training requirements.
CDA may take against a project owner any action permitted under any agreement or provision of law that it deems necessary or expedient for failure to perform any such covenant or condition, including limiting or prohibiting participation by a project owner or any of its principals in the Maryland LIHTC Program.